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Welcome to the Surrey Plus Wills Index   
Last updated 29 May 2022:  Currently contains 61,460 Names from 3,671 Surrey & 1,647 non-Surrey Wills (BDF-100, BRK-153, BKM-77, HAM-188, KEN-177, MDX-395, NTH-176, OXF- 173, SSX-208), 2,937 Transcripts/Extracts with 25 Inventories
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The Surrey Plus Wills Index provides an index to names of all people appearing in the wills of testators residing in the County of Surrey, England (and nine other Counties). The database does contain a few wills from other counties and from sailors on board ship - these can be found on the home page under 'Other'. Links are provided to transcripts of wills, where available. No guarantee of accuracy can be given, nor any responsibility accepted for any mistakes or omissions. All names and transcripts appearing on this site are the work of individuals, which they have kindly donated. Copyright of each transcript remains with the contributor. Please do not reproduce transcripts in any form, other than for personal use, without permission.
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Browse Surrey Wills by Reference Number (SRY0123)

0001-0250     0251-0500     0501-0750     0751-1000     1001-1250
1251-1500     1501-1750     1751-2000     2001-2250     2251-2500
2501-2750     2751-3000     3001-3250     3251-3500     3501-3671
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