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  WILLS by Reference No
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  1751-2000   2001-2250   2251-2500 2501- 2750  2751-3000  3001-3250  3251-3500  3501-3671
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Donating Wills
Couldn't find the name you were looking for ?
The Surrey Wills Index will continue to be successful only if people are willing to share the work they have already done by donating will transcripts and/or lists of extracted names. If you have any transcripts or lists of names from a will which you would be willing to donate to this site, please read on.

1. We will currently accept wills for Testators resident in the following counties:
The database does contain a few wills from other counties and from sailors on board ship - these can be found on the home page under 'Other'.
2. As a minimum we would require the Testator's name, place of residence and either the date the will was written or the date the will was proved.
3. Additionally, the following would be desirable: Testator's occupation and/or condition (eg widow for a woman), archive in which the original will is deposited (if applicable) and the archive's reference number for the will.
4. For each name mentioned in a will we would like the following (if given): Surname, forenames and/or initials/title/rank, residence, relationship to Testator, occupation. We are, however, more than happy to accept partial details.
5. If you are providing a transcript please send in Microsoft Word format (.doc), Microsoft Works format (.wps), Rich Text format (.rtf) or plain text (.txt). Other formats can probably be coped with, but just to make our life a little easier ...
6. Send to  trev.r.howard@virginmedia.com stating (if not providing a transcript) whether you are willing to perform lookups for people on the names you are providing.

Cliff Webb has published, through WSFHS, extracts of early Surrey wills. These have provided the basis for many names in the index. Note that Cliff retains the copyright to these extracts and he has licensed OMS Services Ltd to be the sole provider of online access to this material. Please do not submit copies of these extracts to be included on this site.