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Links to other sites concerned with or including Wills

Documents Online - A PRO pay site with downloadable PDF files of wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) up to 1858

Probate Search - was the Principal Probate Registry, then Principal Registry of the Family Division, holds originals or copies of all Wills and Administrations for England and Wales since 1858

Will Transcriptions Website - A site for submitting and searching transcriptions of British & Irish Wills

National Archives - National Archives wills guide & search page

West Kent Wills and Families - Index of wills in West Kent to 1650

Kent Genealogy - A large number of Kent will transcripts

Medieval Kent Wills at Lambeth - Kent medieval wills, probates and administrations, taken from the notebooks of the late Mr Leland L. Duncan; written up during his researches into the bequests to Kent churches

Northants Wills - Northants wills 1484-1835

Derbyshire Probate Records - Index and summaries of a large number of Derbyshire wills

National Archives Palaeography - Reading old handwriting 1500 - 1800 - a practical online tutorial

English Handwriting 1500-1700 - An on-line course for reading old handwriting

Links to other family/local history sites

Bisley history & genealogy - Transcripts of original source data for Bisley, Surrey, plus much more

Friends of Woking Palace - A site devoted to the Tudor palace at Woking, Surrey

West Surrey Family History Society