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1846 Tithe Map plot number:


1896 1:2500 OS Map plot number:


Bedford Cottages were situated near the junction of Miles Green and Port Lane. In the Tithe Award the plot was measured as 2 roods and 18 perches; described on the OS map as 0.598 acres.

William Walker owned, freehold, the house on plot 249 on the Tithe Map. William Walker died in 1837 and in his will he left the house to James Howard, his brother-in-law. James passed the house on to his son, also James, who passed it on to his son Henry.

In the 1870s the house was converted into two cottages (presumably having been bought from Henry Howard) by James Bedford and acquired the name of Bedford Cottages.

At some later time, the two cottages were converted back to a single dwelling called "Thatched Cottage". This was then replaced in about 1960 by "Weavers" (300 Guildford Rd).