Cottage, Stafford Lake

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1846 Tithe Map plot number:


1896 1:2500 OS Map plot number:


A cottage and tenement, situated near to Stafford Lake in a plot of just over two acres. In the Tithe Award it was measured at 2 acres and 24 perches.

In the first half of the 18th century the cottage was held by John Crouch and Sarah his wife. In 1755, they sold the cottage to John Carman.

In 1777, John Carman passed the cottage on to George Carman. George Carman sold the cottage, in 1784 to Philip Gyles.

Philip Gyles died in 1829; just prior to his death he passed the cottage onto his son James.

James Gyles died in 1840 and in his will he left his estate to his wife Sarah. Sarah remarried, to Henry Cook. In 1851, Henry and Sarah mortgaged the cottage and some other land, to George Holt for £300. In 1857, Henry and Sarah were in default of payment on the mortgage and George Holt took possession.

In 1861, George Holt was granted permission to extend the plot of land by inclosing approximately one acre of the waste adjoining to the south. George died in 1885 and his estate was inherited by his son William George Holt.

Between 1900 and 1902, the cottage was demolished and the Princess Christian Homes and Workshops was built on the site.