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1846 Tithe Map plot number:


1896 1:2500 OS Map plot number:


Cowhurst was a messuage and tenement, probably erected some where near the south-east corner formed by Clews Lane and Port Lane, possibly in field 198 on the Tithe map, Barn Closes, which was part of the land associated with it.

In the first half of the 18th century, Cowhurst was owned by John Goreing. When John Goreing died in 1755, he left Cowhurst to his daughter Jane. Jane died the following year and the property passed to the children of her sister, Elizabeth, who was married to James Collyer. These children, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Jane Collyer were aged from one to six years at the time.

In 1778, Elizabeth, Ann and Jane (all now married) passed their shares in the property to their sister Sarah Collyer, under the terms of an Indenture, by which Sarah would be paid the sum of £1000 and the property would eventually pass to the children of Elizabeth and her husband, Richard Piercy. In July 1800, Sarah having recieved the sum of £1000, James Piercy, the sole surviving child of Elizabeth and Richard took possession of Cowhurst and immediately sold it to James Living of Chertsey.

Cowhurst was obviously demolished between 1800 and 1804; in July 1804, James Living sold to John Churchill "all that barn and the land whereon a messuage formerly stood called Cowhurst".