yChestnut Cottage
Chestnut Cottage

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1846 Tithe Map plot number:


1896 1:2500 OS Map plot number:


Chestnut Cottage was situated on Miles Green, a part of Miles Grove (highlighted below). In the Tithe Award it measured at 1 rood and 13 perches.

In the mid-18th century, the entire of Miles Grove was held by John Goreing. John Goreing died in 1755 and left Miles Grove to his daughter Elizabeth, then the wife of James Collyer.

Elizabeth Collyer, died in 1760 and in her will left Miles Grove to her 11 year old daughter, also Elizabeth. Elizabeth later married Richard Piercy. In 1778, Miles Grove passed to Sarah Collyer under the terms of a trust. In 1800, under the same trust, Miles Grove passed to James Piercy, the surviving son of Richard & Elizabeth.

James Piercy immediately sold Miles Grove (and several other plots of land) to James Living. In 1801, James Living sold Miles Grove in several pieces. That part of Miles Grove later being Chestnut Cottage and the field adjacent (313) was sold to James Hone.

James Hone sold the plot to William Glazier, of Woking, in 1806. William Glazier built Chestnut Cottage and later divided it into two tenements. In 1863 William Glazier sold Chestnut Cottage and the adjacent land to Robert Scott Lorrain for £140.

In January 1898, Chestnut Cottage became the property of William Grimsley by default of a mortgage for the sum of £80, by Robert Scott Lorrain. In May that same year, William sold the premises to Charles Pain for £120.