In the name of God Amen ye twenty second day of September Anoq Domin 1705 I Sarah Withall of Wokeing in ye County of Surrey widw being in reasonable health of Body praised be god, doe make This my Last will & Testament in mannere & forme following that is to say first I commit my soule into ye hands of Allmity God my only maker & Redemer & my Body to ye Earth from where it Came, & for my whole estate I dispose of as followeth give & bequeath the same as followeth, That is To say Imprimis I devise & give & Bequeth my house I now Live in & Three Closes of arable land orchards & gardens Barns withall & all & every of ye apurtenances There unto belonging situate Lying & Being in ye parish of Woking in ye Tything of Cranstock in ye County of Surrey To my sone Peter Sneling for his naturall life & after ye decease of my son Peter To his to daughters Sarah & Ann Their airs & asigns for ever Item I give To my sone Henry Sneling ye sum of five shilings, Item I give to James Sneling my First Famalis Child Twenty shilings when he Comes to ye aige of one & Twenty yeares, Item I Give to my daughter Mary Gileses seven children Mary Jane Joane Elizabeth Ann George & Henry Giles ye sume of forty pound to be equally divided amongst them to be paid to so many of them as shall bee of ye aige of one and twenty yeares within six monthes after my deceas & to ye rest of them there equal proporshan as thay shall Come to ye aige ofone and twenty yeares & my will is yt if aney of my daughter Marys Children shall dye before there Legesie shall Become due then there Legacie shall Goe to ye survivors. Ye rest & residu of all my goods & Chatels I Give & Bequeth unto my Sone Peter Sneling & hime ye said Peter I make hole & soule executor of this my Last will & testament In witnes whereof I have heare unto set my hand & seale ye day & yeare first above riten. the marke of S Sarah Withal Signed sealed published and declared be my last will & testament in the presence of Richard Stocker John Curtis the + mark of William Linard Probat Quinto Maii Anno Dni 1709 ... DW/PA/5/1709/99