In the Name of God, Amen. The yere of our Lord God a thousand five, hundred and twenty two, the 29th day of August, the 14th year of the reigne of Kyng Henry the VIIIth. I, William Smyth, of Ham, in the parish of Kyngston upon Thames, in the countie of Surry, husbandman, being in good mind and hole memory, make and ordeyn this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First, I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, and to our blessed Lady the Virgin, and unto all the holy company of Hevyn, and my body to be burid in the churche yerde of All Hallows, of Kyngston aforesd, where my father and mother being buryed, when it shall please Almighty God to take me unto his marcye. Also I bequeath unto the mother church of Winchester vid. Item, I give and bequath unto the high altar of Kyngston, for my tithe and oblations forgotten, 12d. Also I give and bequeath unto the holy Rode of Cumfort a taper of a pound of wex. Also I gyff and bequethe unto the light of the Blessed Trinyte 6d. Also I give and bequeath unto the bason lights of Kyngston 4d. Also I give and bequeath unto the building of the Rode loft 12d. Also I give and bequeath unto Jone, my daughter, to her marriage, v marks in money or money worth. Also I give and bequeath unto Sence, my youngest daughter, to her marriage, x marks. And as touching the disposition of my londs and tenements, set and lying in the parish off Kyngston aforesd, hereafter folowing. First, I will that Agnes my wife have all my lands and tenemts, with all appurts, sett and lying in the parish of Kyngston aforesd, to have and to hold for the terme of her liffe; and after her decease, I will that John Smyth, my son, shall have my tenement which I dwell in, with all the lands unto the said tenement belonging, to have and to hold unto the said John Smyth, my son, and to his heirs for evermore. Also I will that Robert Smyth, my son, have my tenement called Prymys, with all the lands unto the said tenement belonging, to have & to hold unto the said Robert, and unto the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, for evermore; and if it happen the said Robert to die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten, then I will that the said tenement & lands do remain unto Thomas, my son, for evermore. Also I will that Raffe, my son, have my tenement called Lambards, with all the lands unto the said tenement belonging, to have and to hold unto the said Raffe and to his heires for ever. And also I will that Agnes my wife have my Hemestale Ground, sometime Deodall, with the lands unto the said Hemstales belonging, to have and to hold unto the said Agnes & her heirs for evermore. All other my goods & catell not bequeathed, after my debts paid, I give and bequeath unto Agnes, my wife, to distribute as she think best, which Agnes I make & ordeyn my executrix, and John Pynchester, and John my son, overseers of this my last will and testament. These witness, John Hunt, Thomas Clarke, John Pynchester, Thomas Alyn, William Mychell, & John Smyth, & many other mo'.