This is the last Will and Testament of me William West of the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Gentleman I give and devise unto my eldest son Stephen West of Woking aforesaid Blacksmith All that my Messuage or Tenement together with about three Acres of land more or less to the same adjoining now in my own occupation situate in the said Parish of Woking and being copyhold of the Manor of Woking in the said County of Surrey To hold the same to him the said Stephen West his heirs and assigns for ever Nevertheless I do hereby charge the said Premises with the payment of One annuity or clear yearly Sum of Five Pounds to be paid by my said son the said Stephen West unto my Daughter Elizabeth the Wife of John Gittens of Kidderminster in the County of Worcester Victualler for and during the Term of her natural life to commence from the day of my decease the first payment thereof to be made at the end of Twelve calendar months next after my decease and a proportionable part of the said Annuity to be paid to the Executors or Administrators of my said Daughter for such portion of a Year as shall happen to de due up to the day of her decease And I do hereby empower my said Daughter Elizabeth to enter upon the said Premises and to make Distress as Landlords do for Arrears of Rent if the said Yearly sum of Five Pounds or any part thereof be behind or unpaid by the space of Twenty one days after the same shall have become due and payable as aforesaid Also I give and bequeath unto my said son Stephen West his Executors and Administrators All my Monies Securities for Money Household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China and Personal Estate of every sort and kind to and for his and their absolute Use and Benefit Provided always that in case my Wife Elizabeth West shall survive me then it is my Will and desire that the said Stephen West do allow her to live in the said Messuage and to have the Use of my said Household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China so long a she shall live And I do hereby will and direct that my said son Stephen West shall take charge and care of my Grandson George West the natural Son of my Daughter Elizabeth and properly bring up and maintain him until he the said George West shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years But in case my said Son Stephen West shall happen to die before me then and in such case I give and devise All the said Copyhold Messuage Land and Premises unto James West the son of the said Stephen West his heirs and assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the payment of the said Annuity of Five Pounds to my said Daughter Elizabeth in manner aforesaid And in case of the death of the said Stephen West in my lifetime as aforesaid then I do in like manner give and bequeath unto the said James West his executors and administrators All my Household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China and Personal Estate of every sort and kind to and for his and their absolute Use and Benefit subject nevertheless to the Condition of his permitting my said Wife Elizabeth to live in the said Messuage and to have the Use of the Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China during her life And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said son Stephen West and John Howard the younger of Wareham Farm in the Parish of Woking aforesaid Tanner to be the executors of this my Will and revoking all former Wills by me at any time made I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Twenty fourth day of November in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty two. Wm West Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Testator William West as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed Our Names as Witnesses. J A Sibthorpe Guildford T J Nalder clerk to Mr Sibthorpe Mary Sibthorpe Guildford 12th March 1834. Stephen West the son of the deceased and John Howard the younger the Executors named in this Will were duly sworn to the truth and faithful performance thereof and as usual that the Testator died on or about the Fifth day of May 1833 And that the whole of the deceased's Goods and Chattels and Credits do not amount in Value to the Sum of One hundred Pounds. Before me Henry Parr Beloe Surrogate This Will of William West late of the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Gentleman deceased was proved on the eighteenth day of March 1834 before the Reverend Henry Parr Beloe Clerk a Surrogate by the oaths of Stephen West the son of the deceased and John Howard the younger the Executors to whom admon was granted being first sworn duly to admr.