This is the last Will and Testament of me Storer Carpenter Smith of Saint Margarets Hill in Southwark in the county of Surry Hozier I desire that my Body may be interred at the Parish Church nearest which I may die in as quiet and unostentatious a manner as possible and Whereas I some time since became indebted to Charles Sawyer of East Grinstead in the County of Sussex Grocer in a sum of money part of which namely seventy pounds still remains unpaid and which although legally barred I consider myself bound in honor to repay now I trust that my Executors hereinafter named shall pay the said sum of seventy pounds to the said Charles Sawyer his Executors or admors out of whatever share I am entitled to or interested in of the property settled at my late Mothers marriage on herself and Children whenever the same shall become payable and Whereas I have for some time carried on the Business in partnership with my uncle Thomas Smith at Saint Margarets Hill aforesaid and it was my intention (frequently communicated and well known to branches of the family) that in the event of my surviving him my Cousin Benwell Smith (son of my uncle) should succeed to one half share of the profits of such business and become a partner with me therein for the benefit of himself and his Widowed Mother and Family now I do sincerely hope and it is my desire and wish that my said uncle and Cousin or such other person as may continue the said business after my decease will pay from and out of the gains and profits thereof to my dear Wife Frances Smith during the term of her natural life the sum of one hundred Pounds per annum such annuity to commence from the time of my decease and subject to the payment of my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expence I give and bequeath all my Household Furniture Plate Linen china and other goods and chattels and all other my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my said dear Wife Frances Smith her Executors and admors to and for her and their absolute use behoof and benefit and I appoint my Friend John Kynaston of Lad Lane in the City of London Warehouseman and my dear Brother Richard Carpenter Smith of No. 18 Bridge Street Southwark Gentleman Executors of this my Will as Witness my hand this seventh day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Storer Carpenter Smith Witness. John Caffen 237 St. Margarets Hill Southwark __ Edward Coates same place Proved at London 22nd October 1834 before the Worshipful William Caiverley Auteis Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of John Kynaston and Richard Carpenter Smith the Brother the Executors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.