In the name of god amen the ij day February in the yeare of our Lord god one Thousand Sixe Hundred ninty one I William Wesbroock of Woking in the County of Surry Bucher being weck of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for al men once to dye, do macke and ordain this my last will and Testament, in manner and form following, that is to say First and principally I give my Soull into the hands of god whose gave it me, and for my body I Commend it to the earth to be buried in Christian and decent mannor in the Churchyard of Woking nothing Houpting but at the general resurrection I shall receve the same againe by the mighty Power of god and as Teuching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased god to blese me in this life I give devise bequeath and dispose the same in manner and form Following first I give and bequeath unto Mary Wesbroock my Brothers Christopher daughter Fifty shillings, to be paid within three month after my ore my sister Elizabeth Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to Jone Westbroock my Brothere Christopher daughter Fifty sillings to be paid within three month after my or my sister Elizabeth Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to John Westbroock my Brother Christophers sonne Fifty shillings to be paid him within three month after my or my sister Elizabeth Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to Elizabeth Nole Fifty shillings to be paid her within three month after my ore hur mothers deces which shall last happen Item I give to Thomas Gils of Woking Fifty shillings to be paid him within three month after my ore my sister Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to Martin Westbroock my best sut of wollen Clothes Item I give to Henry Trige of Woking my kindsman three pounds and all the Rest of my wereing aparill wollen and linen and the three Pounds to be paid within three month after my ore my sister Sebroocks decese which shall last happen Item I give to Henry Wesbroock my kindsman of Bislet Twenty shillings to be paid him within three month after my ore my sister Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to William Wesbroock of Riply my kindsman and godsonne Twenty shillings to be paid him when he shall Come to the age of sixteen yeares Item I give to William Neal and Jane Heath my god sonne and daughter Five shillings apece and to William Wesbroock my Godsonne To shillings sixe pence to be paid them within three month after my ore my sister Sebroocks deces which shall last happen Item I give to William Wesbroock my eldest Brothers gransonne one shilling and no more to be paid when the Rest of the other legases ere, Item I give to my sister Elizabeth Sebroock the Itrest of all my mony which I shall have at my decese to be paid by my executors at Toe pence in the Pound qarterly the first qartter to begine the next qarterday after my deces, and the use of all my Beding both linnen and wollin during hur naturall live Item I give to my sister Sebroock five shillings to be paid her within on weack after my dece, And of this my last Will and Testament I mack and ordain my well well [sic] belouved Coszen John Gils of Purbrit Blacsmith my soll and whole executor, and dooe give him all my money and goods not disposed of Paying all the legases and Perfourming the Conditions before menoned, and Buriing of me as he thinks most Conveniunt, And I apoint Jonathon Davi Taylor and Mr John Linam of Woking to sie this my will full fild as much as in them lies, and I do hereby utterly disalow, revoke and anul all and every other former Wills and Testaments by me in any ways before this time made, ratyfying and confurming this and none other to be my last will and Testament in Wittnes I have hereunto seat my hand and seall the day and yeare first above written. William Wesbroock his marke Signed sealled Published, Pronounced and declared by the said William Westbroock as his last will and Testament in the Presence of us: John Lynam Jonathon Davi his marck William Harvust Probatum fuit ... Decimo Sexto die mensis Junij Anno Dni 1692 ... DW/PA/1692/103