In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Worsfold the younger of Kirdford in the parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Malster being weake and infirme in body but of sound and disposing Minde and Memory thanks be God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in Manner and forme following First and principally I Comend my Soule into the hands of almighty God hopeing to be Saved through the Merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christs and I order my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter Named and as to my worldly estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth Impris I will that all my just debts be in the first place paid & discharged out of my psonall estate Item I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Mary all and Singular my household goods and goods of household as Linenbeding pewter brass Silver plate ready Money and Stock in trade and implem.ts of husbandry of what Nature or kinde soever To have and to hold the said goods and Chells unto my said loveing Wife Mary her and as her owne pper goods and Chells forever Yet Nevertheless my will and meaning is that my said loveing wife Mary shall pay thereout to my father Thomas Worsfold the elder the sume of Tenn pounds yearly for & dureing the terme of his naturall life by quarterly paym.ts the first paym.t to begin at such of the said feasts as first and next happen after my decease and all the rest and residue of my goods Chells ready Money and psonall estate after my debts and funerall expences are paid & discharged I give & bequeath unto my said loveing wife Mary and I make her whole and sole Execx of this my last will & Testam.t and my will and meaneing further is that in Case my said wife Mary shall neglect or refuse to act in the pmises aforesaid that then her Executrixship and the bequest of my goods herein before made to her shall be void & of none effect and then & in such Case I give & bequeath the same goods & Chells unto my said father Thomas Worsfold he paying thereout unto my said loveing wife Mary the sume of Twenty pounds over & above the sume of One hundred pounds which I had with her upon my Marriage and which I gave bond to leave her which I hereby bequeath to be paid to her as a token of my love over & above the said One hundred pounds as aforesaid & I make the said Thomas Worsfold my father Exec.r of this my will in full to all intents and purposes as I have before my said wife In Testimony whereof I the said Thomas Worsfold have to this my last will & Testam.t set my hand & seale the Second day of December Anno Dni 1723 Tho.s Worsfold Signed Sealed Published and pnounced & declared by the said Thomas Worsfold to be his last Will and Testament in the psence of us whoe subscribed our Names as witnesses Cha.s Quennell Junior Mary Thornton Jo Steere Probate fuit ... duodecimo die Mensis Februard Anno dni 1723 ... DW/PA/5/1724/139