This is the last Will and Testament of me William Woods the elder of Knaphill in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Yeoman First I direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences be fully paid and satisfied by my Executors and Executrix hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give and bequeath unto my Son William Woods and Daughters Sarah Maria Robinson Widow of Frederick Robinson late of Chertsey in the said County of Surrey Baker deceased Harriet the Wife of Isaac Hodd of Chobham in the said County Farmer and Elizabeth Ann the Wife of James Bartholomew of Walton upon Thames in the said County Baker all my Books and Plate and my Silver Watch equally to be divided between them in any way most agreeable to themselves for their respective absolute use and benefit And I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son William Woods my said Daughter Sarah Maria Robinson and my Son in law the said Isaac Hodd and their heirs All and singular my Freehold Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes Hereditaments and real Estate of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever situate of or to which I or any person or persons in trust for me am is or are seised or entitled in possession reversion remainder or expectancy or otherwise howsoever To have and to hold the same unto and to the use of the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd their heirs and assigns for ever Upon and for the uses trusts intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) Upon trust that they the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease sell and dispose of all and singular my said Freehold Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes and hereditaments with their several and respective appurtenances either together or in parcels by Public auction or Private Contract as to them her or him shall seem best unto any person or persons who shall be willing to become and be the Purchaser or Purchasers thereof or of any part thereof for the most money that can reasonably be gotten for the same And I hereby authorize impower and direct the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor as soon as conveniently may be after my decease in like manner to sell and dispose of All the Copyhold Messuages land and hereditaments belonging to me in possession reversion remainder or expectancy And it is my Will and desire and I do hereby declare and direct that the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd and the survivors and survivor of them or the heirs executors and assigns of such survivor shall stand and be possessed of and hold the monies to arise or be gotten from the sale of my said Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes and hereditaments hereinbefore directed to be sold and disposed of Upon the trusts and for the uses ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same And as for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my Monies Mortgages and Securities for Money Household Furniture Linen China Goods Chattels Effects and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature and quality soever the same may be (not hereinbefore otherwise disposed of) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd their executors and administrators Upon the several trusts and to and for the several uses ends intents and purposes hereinafter declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) Upon trust that they the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease call in sell and dispose of and convert into money all the said residue of my personal Estate and Effects of every sort and kind And I do hereby further will and direct that the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall at all times and from time to time stand possessed of and interested in the monies to arise by the sale of my said Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes hereditaments and real Estates above devised to them and directed to be held and also of the monies to arise and be produced from the residue of my said personal Estate and Effects after payment of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses and the charges and expenses of executing the Trusts of this my Will Upon trust to pay and divide the same unto and equally between and amongst my said Children William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson Harriet the Wife of Isaac Hodd and Elizabeth Ann the Wife of James Bartholomew share and share alike to and for their respective absolute use and benefit And it is my Will and I do direct that in case any or either of my said Children shall depart this life in my life time leaving lawful Issue of his her or their Body or Bodies that then and in any such case such Issue of my said Child or Children so departing this life shall be entitled to and be paid the share or shares of his her or their Parent or respective Parents so dying unto and equally between them if more than one and if only one then to such one absolutely and in case any or either of my said Children shall depart this life in my life time without leaving lawful Issue of his her or their body or bodies but leaving a Wife or Husband him or her surviving then and in any such case it is my Will and I do direct that such Wife or Husband of either of my said Children so departing this life without lawful Issue as aforesaid shall be entitled to and be paid which her or his Husband or Wife would have been entitled to if living at the time of my decease And for facilitating the sale of my said Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes hereditaments and real and personal Estates hereinbefore directed and authorized to be sold and disposed of I do hereby will and direct that the receipt or receipts of them the said William Woods Sarah Maria Robinson and Isaac Hodd and of the survivors and survivor of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor under their his or her hands or hand respectively shall be from time to time a good effective and sufficient discharge and discharges to the respective purchaser or purchasers of my said Messuages Lands Tenements Tithes hereditaments and real and personal estates hereby directed and authorized to be sold any or either of them or any and every part and parcel thereof and his her and their Purchase Money or Purchase Monies as in such receipt or receipts shall be expressed to be received and that after said receipt or receipts shall be so given such purchaser or purchasers respectively shall be and he she and they shall by virtue hereof be absolutely acquitted and discharged of and from the same and shall not be answerable or accountable for the loss misapplication or nonapplication of their respective Purchase Money or any part thereof And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son William Woods my said Daughter Sarah Maria Robinson and my said Son in Law Isaac Hodd Executors and Executrix of this my Will Provided always and I do hereby lastly declare that my said Trustees and Executors and Executrix their heirs executors administrators and assigns and every of them shall be charged and chargeable respectively only for such Monies as they shall respectively actually receive by virtue of the Trusts hereby in them reposed notwithstanding his her or their or any of their giving or signing or joining in giving or signing any receipt or receipts for the sake of conformity And that any one or more of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them or for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other or others of them but each and every of them only for his her and their own acts receipts neglects or defaults respectively And that any one or more of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any Banker Broker or other person with whom or in whose hands any part of the said Trust Monies shall or may be deposited or lodged for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of the Trusts hereinbefore mentioned And that they or any of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any misfortune loss or damages which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid Trusts or in relation thereto unless the same shall happen by or through their wilful default respectively And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for them the said Trustees and Executors and Executrix hereby named and every or any of them their or any of their heirs executors administrators and assigns by and out of the Monies which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the Trusts aforesaid to retain to and reimburse himself herself themselves respectively and also to allow to his her and their Co-trustee and Co-trustees all Costs Charges damages and expences which they or any of them shall or may suffer sustain disburse be at or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid Trusts or in relation thereunto And I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare these presents only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said William Woods the elder the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in four Sheets of Paper to the first three sheets thereof set my Hand and to this fourth and last sheet thereof my Hand and Seal the twenty eighth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty William Woods Sen.r Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above named William Woods the elder the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses John Woods No. 37 White Lion Street Pentonville Gent.n Edmund Vincent of Guildford Rob.t B Pooley of Guildford Gent.n This is a Codicil to be added to the Will of me William Woods within written Whereas I have this day surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey my Copyhold Estates holden of that Manor To the use of my Son William Woods his heirs and assigns for ever Now I do hereby revoke all so much of my Will within written as relate to the said Copyhold Estates it being my Will and intention that my said Son shall take the same absolutely In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the third day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty three William Woods Sen.r Signed Published and declared by the said William Woods as and for a Codicil to his Will in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other subscribe our Names as Witnesses hereto Edmund Vincent James Steptoe 21st Day of June 1843 William Woods (the son of the Deceased) Sarah Maria Robinson Widow (the daughter of the Deceased) and Isaac Hodd the Executors and Executrix named in the within Will were duly sworn to the truth and faithful performance of the same and as usual and that the whole of the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased do not amount in value to the Sum of four hundred and fifty pounds And that the deceased died on the fourth day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty three. Before me Henry Ayling Surrogate This Will (with a Codicil) of William Woods the elder late of Knaphill in the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey, Yeoman, deceased was proved on the third day July 1843 before the Reverend Henry Ayling Clerk or Surrogate by the oaths of William Woods the Son, Sarah Maria Robinson Widow the Daughter, and Isaac Hodd the Executors to whom Administration was granted being first duly sworn to administer.