In the name of God Amen I Charles Rogers of Wokeing in the County of Surry Yeoman being in perfect health and of sound mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same but calling to mind the Certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof Doe hereby make and declare this my last Will and Testam.t hereby revoaking all former or other wills by me made in manner and form following (that is to say) First and principally I Commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing to be saved through the Merritts and Intercession of his only son our Savior and Redeemer my Body I committ to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I dispose thereof as followeth Whereas I have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the mannor of Wokeing All that my Copyhold messuage or Tenem.t and Inn & the Lands thereunto belonging bearing the signe of the Red Lyon Inn in Wokeing and now in my own occupacon to such uses Intents and purposes and to such person and persons and for such Estate and Estates as I the said Charles Rogers sh.d by my last will and testament in writeing to be by me Signed and Sealed in the prsence of three or more Credible Witnesses limitt direct and appoint Now I doe hereby Give and devise the said copyhold messuage and Lands unto my loveing Wife Jane Rogers dureing her naturall life (in case she continues a widow) and from and after her decease or marriage shall first happen I give and devise the said copyhold messuage and Lands unto my son John Rogers and his heires and ass.s for ever Item I give and devise unto my sd loveing wife Jane for and dureing her naturall life in case she continues a widow all those Freehold Lands and Meadow ground lyeing in Thorpe in the said County of Surry in the occupacon of John Starke or his ass.s and from and after the decease or marriage which shall first happen I give and devise the said Freehold Land and prmises aforesaid their and every of their appurts unto my Eldest son Charles Rogers and his heires and ass.s for ever upon the Condicon hereafter menconed Whereas my said wife Jane is now ensient wth Child Now I give and bequeath unto the said Child if borne alive be it either Son or Daughter out of my Freehold Estates in Thorpe the sume of Fifty pounds to be paid by my Son Charles att his or her age of one and Twenty yeares or day of Marriage shall first happen but if my said Child be it either Son or Daughter shall be born dead or dye before he or she attains his or her age of Twenty one yeares or day of marriage then the said Legacy hereby given to him or her be void & I give the same to my said Son John his and Item I give and bequeath unto my wife the use of all my household goods both within Doors and without so long as she shall continue unmarried but if she shall marry then the said household goods to be appraised and sold for the use of all my Children as shall then be living share and share alike by my Trustees and hereafter named and my will is that my said wife shall att her own Costs and Charges dureing her widowhood mainteyne and educate and bring up my Children out of the Rents and profitts of the Estate I have hereby given her but if she marryes then my will is that my Trustees from and after her marriage shall have all the Rents and profitts of my Estate dureing the minority of my Children for the bringing them up and mainteyning them in Cloathes and Schooling and other necessary Charges And I Doe hereby nominate and appoint my loveing Friends Nathaniell Sturt gent and William Harvest of Wokeing Brewer Trustees of this my will desireing them to see the same performed truly according to the Intent hereof And I hereby appoint my loveing wife Jane Rogers Sole Executrix of this my Will desireing her to take care of my Children but if shee marryes dureing their minorityes then I desire my Trustees to take them from her and she nor her Husband to have nothing to Doe them. In Witnesse whereof I have this Seventeenth day of September 1718 to this my last will conteyning three sheets of paper sett my hand and Seal to each sheet. in ye first sheet mentioned The marke + of Charles Rogers Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Charles Rogers to be his last will & Testament in the prsence of us Subscribed our names in his prsence Nath: Atfeild Thomas Martyn George Shorter Rob.t Perrott Memorand that this Thirtieth day of January in the Yeare of our Lord One Thousand Seaven hundred Twenty & Two I Charles Rogers being in sound minde & understanding doe declare this to bee a Codicill & to be added & made part of my above said last Will & testam.t as followeth Whereas I have given by my said last will unto my youngest Son John Rogers my Coppyhold house & lands & Inn beareing the Signe of ye Red Lyon Inn in Wokeing after my wifes decease & his heires And whereas I have since ye making of my said will mortgaged my Coppyhold messuage & lands in Wokeing for ye sume of Fiffty pounds must bee repaid by my son John Now in consideration of ye said Fiffty pounds & to make it good to my son John & in consideration my wife will enjoy ye same for her life I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my said son John ye sume of One hundred pounds over & above ye Fiffty pounds before given him by this will to be paid him by my sonne Charles Rogers out of my said freehold lands and meadow grounds in Thorpe aforesaid w.thin Twelve Months after my decease but in case I should discharge & pay of ye said Fiffty pounds now due on my said Coppyhold messuage in Wokeing then ye Legacy of ye One hundred pounds hereby given to my said son John by this my Codicill shall bee void And in that case, I give unto my said son John out of my said freehold lands but ye sume of fifty pounds over & above ye fifty pounds before given by my Will or in Case my said son John shall dye before the time of paym.t of said one hundred pounds or Fifty pounds & w.thout issue of his body Then ye said sevall legacyes to remaine & bee to my eldest sonne Charles his & & my freehold lands to bee discharged from ye same And I doe hereby confirme all ye other legacyes given by mee in my said Will & ye trusts therein mentioned, In Witnes whereof to this my codicil I declare & desire to bee taken & made part of my said last Will I have hereunto set my hand & Seale ye day & year w.thin written. The marke + of Charles Rogers Signed Sealed Published and declared by ye said Charles Rogers to be A Codicill & part of his last will in ye prsence of us who subscribed our Names in the prsence of the said Charles Rogers John Stakford The marke T S of Thomas Stevens Cha Sturt "Not proved" - oath 6 July 1725 DW/PA/5/1725/101