In the name of God Amen I Richard Wythall of Woking in the Countie of Surrey Blacksmith being of good and perfect mind & memory (praise be given to god) doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme following and for my temporall Estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth I devise give & bequeath unto Sarah my beloved Wife all my Coppyhold Messuages or Tenements & Lands with the appurtennces and proffitts thereunto belonging to remayne & be to the sole use & behoofe of the said Sarah for & during the terme of her naturall life Item I devise give and bequeath unto Richard the son of John Wythall my eldest Brother (after the decease of the sd Sarah my beloved Wife) all that my Coppyhold Messuage or Tenement & Land with th'appurtennces thereunto belonging situate lying & being in Woking aforesaid now in the Occupacon of Henry Dawborne to remayne to the sole use & behoofe of the sd Richard Wythall his heires and assignes for ever uppon this Condicon that he the sd Richard doe well and truly pay out of the sd Coppyhold Messuage or Tenement & Lands unto John Wythall Henry Wythall Katherine the wife of James Pullen Elizabeth Wife of John Orron his foure Brothers & Sisters Tenn poundes a peece within sixe moneths after the sd Richard shall come and attaine to the age of one and Twenty yeares Item I give devise & bequeath unto Ann the wife of Richard Pattiner my dear Sister (after the decease of the sd Sarah my beloved Wife) all that my Coppyhold Messuage or Tenement with the Land and appurtennces thereunto belonging now in the Occupacon of Henry Rogers to remayne & be to the sole use & behoofe of the sd Ann my sister the wife of Richard Pattiner her heires & assignes for ever Item I give devise & bequeath unto Richard Wythall the Son of Henry Wythall (after the decease of the sd Sarah my beloved Wife) all that my Coppyhold Tenement & Land with th'appurtennces thereunto belonging lying at or neare Saunders Lane in Woking aforesd to remayne & be to the sole use & behoofe of the sd Richard Wythall Son of the sd Henry Wythall his heires & assignes for ever Item I give & bequeath unto John Wythall & Ann Pattiner the Wife of Richard Pattiner my Brother & Sister Five shillinges apeece to be paid unto them by my Executrixe hereafter named within sixe Moneths next after my decease And as for all my Goods Leases Chattells & Debts not above given & bequeathed I give & bequeath unto the sd Sarah my beloved Wife whom I make and ordeyne sole Executrixe of this my last Will and Testament In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal the Nineteenth day of May An.o Dni 1690 & in the second yeare of the Reigne of King William & Queene Mary. the mke X of Richard Wythall Signed Sealed pronounced published & declared by the sd Richard Wythall to be his last Will & Testament in the prence of John Draper William Sparkes Willm French Probat 12 July 1690 DW/PA/5/1690/137