In the name of god amen the Seaventh day of May Anno dni 1645 I Joan Sherrett of Woking in the County of Surrey Spinster being sick in body but sound in mind and of perfect remembrance for which I give all prays to almighty god, doe here make my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imp: I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty god hopeing and trustinge to bee saved by a lively faith and true receptance for the Meritts and mercyes of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and redeemer, and my body to the Earth to bee decently buried, and my landes goodes and Chattells I give and bequeath as followeth Imp: I give unto the poore of Woking forty shillings to bee payd within one yeare next after my decease. It I give unto my Sister Dorothy Sherrett and to her heirs for ever all that my moyety or part of a certaine messuage and all the Landes thereunto belonging which my father William Sherrett deceased by his last will and testament bequeathed unto mee now in the possession of one Henry Freeland or his assignes but uppon this condition that the sayd Dorothy my sister her heires or assignes shall pay unto Ann Sherrett my sister and to my sister Mary Sherrett to their executors or assignes ten poundes apeece when the aforesayd Henry Freelands lease of the sayd Messuage and landes shall bee expired. It I give unto my sister Ann Stoughton forty poundes to bee payd when shee shall accomplysh the full age of one and twenty yeares, if shee shall bee then living; but if shee shall happen to die before shee shall accomplysh the aforesayd age of one and twenty yeares, then my will is that the sayd Dorothy my sister her heires or assignes shall pay unto my sisters before named Anne Sherrett and Mary Sherrett twenty poundes apeece or to their executors or assignes when the aforesayd lease shall bee expired. and furthermore my will is that the sayd Dorothy my sister her heires or assignes shall pay yearly unto my sister Anne Stoughton twenty shillings a yeare untill the sayd lease bee expired, and afterwards forty shillinges a yeare untill she shall accomplysh the aforesayd age of one & twenty yeares. It I give unto my cozen Robert Feild vicar of Woking & to his children five poundes equally to bee devided betweene them. It I give unto my father in law Samuell Stoughton twenty shillings. It I give unto Samuell Stoughton his sonne twenty shillinges. It I give unto Walter Freeland sonne of Henry Freeland aforesayd five shillinges. It I give unto my brother Willm Sherrett five shillinges. It I give unto the children of Nathaniell Gyles twelve pence apeece. It I give unto my Aunt Lamboll my best red coate. It I give unto the wife of Richard Yonge my worst red coate. And my will is that if the sayd Dorothy my sister refuse to pay the aforesayd legacies, then the sayd Messuages and landes shall remaine to my sister Anne Sherrett & her heires performeing the aforesayd conditions & giving unto the sayd Dorathy her executors or assignes twenty poundes. All the rest of my goods unbequeathed and my landes I give unto the sayd Dorothy Sherrett my sister whom I make the sole Executor of this my last will & testament & doe appoint my trusty friendes Robert Feild vicar of Woking aforesayd & my Uncle John Cox to bee my overseers to see this my will pformed giving them a payre of gloves Joane Sherrett ? her marke Sealed & declared in the presence of us Robert Feild Margett Shtermill S her marke Probatum fuit ... duo decimo die menses Junii Anno Dni 1646 ... DW/PA/5/1646/52