This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Smeed of Godalming in the County of Surrey Widow made the fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three whilst in sound mind memory and understanding whereby I dispose of all my temporal estate in manner following (that is to say) I give and bequeath unto my sons Thomas White and John White the sum of Eight hundred pounds three pounds ten shillings per centum annuities now standing in my name in the books of the governors of the Bank of England To hold receive and take the same unto and by my said sons Thomas White and John White in equal moieties but nevertheless upon condition that they my said sons do and shall within three calendar months after my decease enter into their joint and several bond to my sister Elizabeth Taylor in the penal sum of five hundred pounds conditioned for securing to her my said sister during her life the annuity or annual sum hereinafter mentioned and hereby bequeathed to her (that is to say) I give and bequeath to my said sister Elizabeth Taylor an annuity or clear annual sum of Twenty pounds for and during the term of her natural life to be paid and payable by equal half yearly portions and the first payment thereof to be made at the end of six calendar months next after my decease And I give devise and bequeath unto my son Henry White All that my freehold messuage or tenement with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Bridge Street in Godalming aforesaid and now in the occupation of John Richards Butcher To hold to him my said son Henry White his heirs and assigns for ever And I give devise and bequeath unto my sons William Smeed and George Smeed All that my messuage or tenement with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Mead Row in Godalming aforesaid (being part freehold and part copyhold) and now in the occupation of James Webster To hold to them my said sons William Smeed and George Smeed their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants but subject nevertheless and I do hereby charge the said last mentioned messuage or tenement with the payment of the legacy hereinafter given to my niece Charlotte Barnes (that is to say) I give and bequeath to the said Charlotte Barnes the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and direct the same to be paid to her within three calendar months next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto my said sons William Smeed and George Smeed all my stock in trade and book debts due to me as and in my trade as a Victualler lately carried on by me at Godalming aforesaid subject nevertheless to the payment of all my debts contracted or incurred by me in the carrying on of my said business and which are now due or shall be due and owing by and from by or from me at the time of my decease And I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Ann the wife of Daniel Wyeth All that my leasehold messuage or tenement situate at Littlehampton in the County of Sussex and now in the occupation of John Gibbs To hold to her my said daughter Mary Ann Wyeth her executors administrators and assigns for and during all such estate term estate and interest as shall be come and unexpired therein at the time of my decease And I give and bequeath all the rest Residue and remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my said sons Thomas White and John White their heirs executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common subject to the payment thereout of my funeral and testamentary expences and all my debts which have been or may be contracted by me other than in the course of my said trade or business of a Victualler And I hereby appoint my said son John White and my friend John Bull Weale of Godalming aforesaid Linen Draper Executors of this my Will and do declare that they shall not be answerable the one for the other of them or for the acts deeds receipts or defaults of each other or for any loss which may happen to the said trust premises without their respective wilful default And that they my said Executors may reimburse themselves and each other out of any monies to be received by them or either of them all such costs and expences as they respectively sustain or incur in and about the execution of this my Will or in relation thereto And lastly I hereby revoke all former or other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made and executed In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Smeed the testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament written on one sheet of Paper set my hand and seal the day and year first hereinbefore written Sarah Smeed (Attestation Clause) Joseph Bayley _ Richard Henry King _ W H Puckett all of Odiham Proved at London 25 June 1833 PCC Prob11/1818