In the name of God Amen The Tenth day of November in the second yeare of the Raigne of or Sovraigne Lord and Lady King William and Queene Marye &t Annoq dni 1690 I William Sherrett of Crastocke in the pish of Wokeing in the County of Surry yeoman being sick and weake in body but of sound and pfect minde and memorye prayse be therefore given to Almighty God for the same doe hereby make ordaine and declare this my Last will and Testam.t in manner & forme followeing (that is to say) First and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the meritts death and passion of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ to be saved onely And my Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath & devise unto my daughter Mary Sherrett and her heires and Assignes for ever All that Messuage or tenemt Barne Stable outhouses and buildings & all those six sevrall Closes or pcells of Land meadowe & pasture ground with the apprtennces thereunto belongeing called or knowne by the name of Wulvers or by any other name or names conteyneing by estimacon Tenne acres be the same more or lesse situate lyeing and being in Crastocke & Mayford or one of them in the pish of Wokeing aforesaid between Crastocke Green on the west, the lands of Edmund Hone on the north, Saunders Lane on the East, and the Lands of Thomas Cawson on the south parts & now or Late in the tenure or occupacon of William Wells or his Assignes And alsoe Two Closes or pcells of Land conteyneing by estimacon seaven acres & one Close or pcell of Brooke ground conteyneing by estimacon Tenne acres more or lesse called or known by the name of Holt trough lyeing and being in Mayford & Crastock or one of them in Wokeing aforesd between the lands of Richard Wilhall on the west, & the watercourse called shilford on the north & Holt trough hill on the East & south parts & Alsoe all that messuage or tenemt Barne Stable and gatehouse with the apprtennces called Burleys or by any other name or names whatsoever & alsoe all those Eight Closes or pcells of Land meadowe & pasture with the apprtennces thereunto belongeing or therewith used conteyneing by estimacon twenty acres more or lesse situate lyeing and being in the pishes of Cranley & Wonersh or in both or one of them in the said County of Surry And now or late in the tenure or occupacon of John Cragge or his Assignes & alsoe all other my Freehold Lands tenemts & hereditmts & situate lyeing & being in Cranley & Wonersh aforesaid To have and to hold the said Messuages or tenemts Lands and hereditmts with their and every of their apprtennces unto my said daughter Mary Sherrett her heires and Assignes for ever. Item my Messuage or tenemt with all barnes stables outhouses & buildings called or known by the name of Ellis place and all other my Lands meadowe grounds & hereditmts whatsoever not before given devised or bequeathed I give devise & bequeath unto my son Henry Sherrett his heires & Assignes for ever att his age of one & twenty yeares Provided alwayes & subject to the payment of the yearely rent Charge of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to my Loveing wife Anne Sherrett for and dureing the terme of her naturall Life att the Fower most usuall Feasts in the yeare (that is to say) att the Feats of St Thomas the Apple. the Annunciacon of the blessed virgin marye St John the Baptist & St michael the Archangel by even & equall porcons without any allowance deduccon or defalcacon of any taxes ore paym.ts whatsoever that are or shall be Charged or payable out of such rent Charge as aforesaid by virtue of any act of parliam.t past or future in Leiu & full discharge of the thirds & Dower & right & title of Dower of my said wife Anne of in or to All or any my messuages Lands tenemts & hereditmts whatsoever that I now have or shall have att the tyme of my decease And if itt shall happen that the said yearely rent Charge of twenty pounds to be behind & unpaid in pt or in the whole by the space of seaven dayes next after either or any of the said feasts on which as aforesaid the same ought to be paid that then It shall be lawfull to & for my said Loveing wife Anne to enter into the prmisses soe as aforesd devised to my said son Henry Sherrett & thereto distreyne & the distresse & distresses thereat found lawfully to leade drive beare and carry away & then same to deteyne imparte impound & keepe untill the said yearely rent Charge of twenty pounds with the arrerages thereof (if any) be unto my said wife Anne or her Assignes well & truly satisfyed contented and paid The first paym.t of wch said rent Charge is to comence & begin att the first of the said Feasts which shall next happen after my decease And in case my said son & heir Henry Sherrett or any other owner of the Inheritance of the Lands & tenemts subject& lyable to the said distresse in manner as aforesd doe or shall insist on any abatem.t out of the said rent Charge by reason of any taxes or patm.t whatsoever then & in such case my will & meaneing is & I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my said Loveing wife Anne Sherrett a further rent Charge of Five pounds p Ann Issueing out of the prmisses subject to the said distresse in manner aforesd for & dureing the terme of her naturall Life with like remedy to recover the same by distresse as ye other twenty pounds p Ann is to be recovered att such dayes & tymes & in such manner and forme as aforesaid. It my will and meaneing is that for & notwithstandeing the devise of my said Lands & tenem.ts to my said daughter Mary Sherrett & her heires, that shee the said Mary Sherrett shall have onely the rents & pfitts thereof till my said son Henry Sherrett shall accomplish his age of Two & twenty yeares, And from & after his said age of two & twenty yeares in case he & my trustees for him shall rayse & pay unto my said daughter Mary Sherrett the full sume of Five hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England in full for her porcon That then & from thenceforth I doe hereby give & devise all the said lands tenem.ts & prmisses soe as aforesd given & devised to my said daughter Mary Sherrett unto my said son Henry Sherrett his heires & Assignes for ever. Item I give & bequeath all my said Lands tenem.ts & prmisses soe as aforesd give & devised unto my said son Henry Sherrett att his age of one & twenty yeares unto my loveing freinds Richard Lee the Elder of Sutton in Wokeing aforesd & Lionell Rawlins & Thomas Hayward of Wokeing aforesd & all the rents Issues & pfitts thereof for dureing & untill my said son Henry Sherrett shall accomplish his full age of one & twenty yeares in Trust first for the seing of & payeing the said rent Charges for my wives uses in manner as aforesd & alsoe for the maintenance & educacon & Cloathing & Schooleing of my said son Henry Sherrett till his said age of one & twenty yeares, & afterwards for the rayseing & payeing of my younger Childrens porcons & Legacyes in such manner & forme as is herein menconed And for the better enabling my said trustees to rayse & pay the same I doe hereby will & desire my said trustees their & to fell cutt downe & sell soe much & soe many Tymber trees & underwoode of from my said Lands & tenemts soe as aforesd devised to my said son Henry Sherrett for the rayseing moneys for the purposes aforesaid as my said trustees shall thinke fitt And in case I shall happen to have any other Childe by my said wife Anne Sherrett more than wt are herein expressed by name, Then & in such Case my will & meaneing is that such Childe hereafter to be borne & my said daughter Mary Sherrett shall have onely fower hundred pounds apeece out of my Estate or Freehold Lands & tenemts aforesd att their respective ages of one & twenty yeares & noe more And then likewise the rents & pfitts of the lands & tenemts soe as aforesd given & devised unto my said daughter Mary shall be equally devided between the said Mary & such after borne Childe untill my said son Henry Sherretts age of two & twenty yeares for & towards their maintenance & educacon & from that tyme the one moyety of the rents & pfitts thereof to such after borne Childe for Its maintenance & educacon till its age of one & twenty yeares & in such case I doe hereby will & devise my said trustees to take upp & receive the said rents & pfitts thereof for the uses aforesaid And that then from & after the payment of the respective Legacyes or porcons of my said younger Children in moneys in manner as aforesd I hereby will give & devise All my Freehold lands & tenem.ts whatsoever as well those given to my son Henry as alsoe those Freehold lands & tenem.ts given to my said daughter Mary Sherrett as aforesd unto my said son Henry Sherrett his heires & Assignes for ever. Item I give & bequeath unto my manservant Thomas Chuter five pounds to be paid unto him within three months next after my decease Item I give & bequeath unto my manservant Thomas Hayward Forty shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within three months next after my decease in case he shall continue in my service att the tyme of my decease Item I give unto my maidserv.t Jane Gyles Forty shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within three months Item I give & bequeath unto my said trustees Richard Lee Lionell Rawlins & Thomas Hayward three pounds apeece towards their paines besides their reasonable Charges. Item I give & bequeath to such poore people of the pish of Wokeing as doe not receive Almes of the pish the sume of Forty shillings of Lawfull money of England to be paid unto them within three moneths next after my decease. Item all the rest of my goods & Chattells not given nor bequeathed I give & bequeath unto my Loveing wife Anne Sherrett whom I make sole Executrix of this my last will & testamt to pay my debts & seaven last legacyes above menconed in all amounting to twenty pounds & alsoe my Funerall Expences And I doe hereby request my said trustees to be overseers of this my Last will & testam.t hereby desireing them to see this my will carefully pformed hereby revokeing all former wills by me made whatsoever & do declare this to be my last will & testam.t only In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day & yeare first above written. William Sheret Signed Sealed published & declared by the above named William Sherrett for & as his last Will & Testamt in the pres.e of John Tanner The mark O of Elizabeth Curtis Jo: Tichborne Probatum fuit ... Tertio die mensis Decembris 1691 ... DW/PA/5/1691/130