In the name of God Amen I Ann Young of Naphill in the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Widow Considering the uncertainty of this Mortal Life and being of Sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be Almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following (that is to say) first as to my Burial I desire that it may be decent at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named as to my Body I will and desire that it may be disposited as near my late Husband in the Church Yard of the Parish of Chobham as conveniently can be - I Give and bequeath to my Niece Olive Hebditch Wife of Robert Hebditch the Sum of One hundred and five pounds of Lawful money of Great Britain - I likewise give and bequeath to my said Niece Olive Hebditch all my Linnen and Wearing Apparrel - I give and bequeath to my Brother Henry Spong the Sum of Forty pounds of like Lawful money, I Will and Order that all my just debts be first paid and that the Legacies above given and bequeathed be paid to the several Legatees within Six months after my Decease - I give and Devise unto William Darborn the Elder of Chobham in the County of Surrey Shoe Maker All that Copyhold message or Tenement Land and all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being at Naphill in the parish of Woking and held of the Tything of Golath in the County of Surrey the said Copyhold Estate being first duly Surrendered for the Use of my Will in Trust and for the uses hereafter mentioned, (that is to say) that out of the Rents and profits of the said Estate A weekly sum of Nine pence per week to be paid to my Sister Mary Underwood Widow for and during her Natural Life and the like Sum of Nine pence per week to be paid unto Sarah Spong Widow of the late John Spong for and during her natural Life and should either of them die then the deceased weekly pay of nine pence to be paid to the Survivor for and during her natural Life - and should there be any money in hand at each and Every Years End after the Taxes and Impositions, and the weekly payments above mentioned being first payed - I will and Order that such Residue and Remains be paid to my Niece Jane Spong Daughter of my Brother William Spong - I hereby Will and Order that on the Decease of the said Mary Underwood and the said Sarah Spong - that the said Copyhold Estate shall be put in the Immediate possession of my said Niece Jane Spong and her heirs for ever As to the rest Residue and Remainder of my personal Estate Goods and Chattels of what kind or nature soever they be (except Linnen and wearing apparrel) after my Debts and funeral Expences are paid I give and bequeath unto Henry Spong Jane Spong and Olive Hebditch to be divided among them share and share alike - Lastly I do hereby nominate Constitute and Appoint William Darborn the Elder of Chobham aforesaid Executor to this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking all and every former Will by me heretofore made I give unto the said William Darborn the sum of Five pounds In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand Seal this fourth Day of April One thousand seven hundred and nine three. I give unto the said William Darborn the sum of Five pounds wrote interlined The mark of Ann @ Young Signed Sealed and Declared by the above named Ann Young the Testatrix to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the Presence of the Testatrix and in the presence of each other John Stevens Richard Hodd John Goring On the twenty fifth day November in the year of our Lord 1797 Administration (with the Will annexed) of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of Ann Young late of Naphill in the County of Surrey Widow deceased was granted to Jane Harris formerly Spong (Wife of Henry Harris) one of the residuary Legatees named in the Will of the said deceased. William Darborn the sole Executor named in the said Will having died without taking upon him Probate and Execution thereof. DW/PA/5/1797/27