In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Wakeford of Bridley in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Farmer, being of perfect & sound Mind Memory and Understanding but knowing that Death is certain and the Time as uncertain, Do think fit to declare this my last Will and Testament in manner & Form following, that is to say, First I resign my Soul into the Hands of God my Creator hoping for Mercy thro' the Merits of Christ my Redeemer, And as for my Body to the Earth to be disposed of as hereafter mentioned And as for my worldly Estates I dispose of in the following Manner Viz.t I Give & bequeath to Henry Crauter of Bookham Farmer and John Randall of Guildford, Brazier all my Houshold Goods Stock & Utensils in my Farming Business & all other my Goods Chattells Debts and Credits which I shall be posessed of at the Time of my Decease In Trust for the following Uses Viz.t My Will and pleasure is that my loving Wife Elizabeth shall be continued in the Business untill such Time that her Son John shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years, I likewise will that at the Time of my Decease a fair Appraisement be made of all I die posessed of, and that my said Trustees do keep an Account, And that as to what the same shall amount to I dispose of equally between my said Wife & Son John, And I desire my Son John will live with his Mother and assist her all in his Power And that when he shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years if he choose to take the Farming Business on himself that he shall pay his said Mother or give Security that he pays her ten Pounds a Year in Lieu of her Part, at two half Yearly Payments during her Natural Life, And my Will and Pleasure is that if my s.d Wife sho.d marry, then, I give and bequeath the whole to my Son John And my farther Will & pleasure is, that if either my s.d Wife or Son John die before the said John attains the Age of Twenty one Years that the Survivor shall have the whole, I desire to be buried at the discretion of my said loving Wife, which Expence I will, that she be allowed, And my farther Will and Pleasure is that my Trustees above mentioned shall have full Power to Act jointly & that they sh[all] sustain no Loss I trusting in their Care & Fidelity, And that they be allowed all Expences that they shall be at at any Time on this Account lastly I constitute & Appoint the s.d Henry Crauter and John Randall my sole Executors in Trust for the above Uses In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this twenty Ninth day of November in the first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third King of Great Britain France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c & in the Year of our Lord 1760. Thomas Wakeford Signed & sealed being first duly declared in the presence of us and we sign ye same in ye presence of ye Testator and in ye presence of Each other Tho.s Johnson Ann Harvest This Will of Thomas Wakeford late of the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surry deceased was proved the Twenty third day of May in the Year of our Lord 1761 before the Reverend Cornelius Jeale Clerk a Surrogate by the Oaths of Henry Cauter and John Randall the Executors to whom Administration was granted they being first Sworn to Administer. DW/PA/5/1761/68