In the name of God Amen, the one and thirtieth Day of January in the yeare of our Lord 1703 I John Trigge of Sutton in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Husbandman, being sicke and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory doe make and ordaine this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following, first and principally I bequeath my soule to Almighty God who gave it me hopeing that by the meritts death and passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be saved only and my body to the Earth to be buried according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as for such goods & Chattels as the Lord in his mercy hath bestowed upon me I give and bequeath as followeth, Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Brother William Trigge the Sum of five pound to be paid unto him by my Executor hereafter named within the space of three months next after my decease, and likewise I give and bequeath unto him the sum of three pounds by the yeare to be paid unto him halfe yearly by even and equall portions by my Executor hereafter named the first payment to commence and begin at the next most usiall feast of Our blessed Lady St Mary or Michell the Arch Angell which shall first happen next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto the four children of my Brother Henery Trigge deceased that is Richard Trigge Margaret Trigge Elizabeth Trigge & Mary Trigge the sum of five pound Apeece to be paid to them by my Executor hereafter named within three months next after the decease of my Brother William Trigge if he out liveth me, and if either of them doeth happen to die before the legacies becomes payable that his or her legacy so dieing shall be equally devided between the survivors of them, Item I give and bequeath unto my Cossen Elizabeth Phillips the wife of John Phillips of Chobham the sum of five pound to be paid by my Executor hereafter named within three months next after the decease of my Brother William Trigge aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Jackeway daughter of my Cossen margaret Trigge when she shall attaine unto the age of eighteen years if shee so long live, the sum of eight pound to be paid unto her by my Executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Wisdome sonn of Richard Wisdome Senr the sum of five pound to be paid by my Executor hereafter named within three months next after the decease of my Brother William Trigge aforesaid Item I give unto the said Richard Wisdome my bedstedle matt and cord fether bedd and bolster with all the healings that is now used with him which I now lye in, with A Joyned Chest & A breade Boxe to be delivered to him within one month next after my decease And I likewise give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hayward the wife of Richard Hayward and to Anne Wisdome Jeane Wisdome John Wisdome & William Wisdome to each of them the sum of twenty shillings A peece to be paid to them within three months next after the decease of my Brother William Trigge aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto my Cossen Richard Hayward and Anne Hayward children of my cossen Mary Charman the sum of five pound and tenn shillings A peece to be paid to them within three months next after the decease of my Brother William Trigge aforesaid, and as for all the rest of my goods and Chattes whatsoever which is not given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Richard Wisdome Senr of Sutton in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Yeoman whome I make and ordaine to be full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament he paying my debts and legacyes and funerall charges and making void all former wills by me made and declareing this to be my last Will only the marke J of John Trigge Signed sealed published and declared to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us Richard Lee Benjamin Bristow John Weston Memorandum that the word his which related to Richard Triggs legacy in the twelfe line I make void, and my Will is that if the said Richard Trigge dye before the legacy becum due and payable my will is that it shall be equally devided between his children. Memorandum that where as I had given unto Margaret Trigge Elizabeth Trigge and Mary Trigge the daughters of my Brother Henery Trigge deceased the sume of five pond A peece to be paid to them by my Executor before named within three monthes next after my Brother William Triggs decease if he outliveth me, and if either of them happen to die before the above said legacies becumes due and payeable that then there legacy or legacies shall be equally devided between her or there children so diing. Probatum 14th Junii Anno Dni 1707 ... DW/PA/5/1707/153