In the name of God Amen The Thirteenth Day of September Ano Dni 1690 and in the second yeare of the Reigne of our gracious Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary &c I Anthony Tompson of Woking in the Countie of Surry Gardner being very weake and sick in body but of good & perfect mind & memory (praise be given to God) doe make ordeyne and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following revoking and adnulling all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and this is to be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other (That is to say) First and principally I commend & bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator and Redeemer hoping that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins for the precious death and passion sake of my blessed Lord and Savour Jesus Christ, and my body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such temporall estate as the Lord of his mercy far above my deserts hath bestowed uppon me my Will and meaning is the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is expressed Imps I devise give and bequeath unto William my son all my Freehold Lands whatsoever to remayne & be to the sole use and behoofe of the said William my son his heires and assignes for ever Item I give and bequeath unto Dianna my beloved Wife Twenty shillinges to be paid unto her by my hereafter named within sixe Moneths next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto William my son all my goods Chattells money & debts whatsoever to remayne and be to the sole use and behoofe of the said William my son his heires & assignes for ever when he shall come & attaine to the age of one & Twenty yeares provided allwayes that if the said William my son doe dye before he comes and attaines to the age of one & Twenty yeares that then my Will & meaning is and I doe hereby give & bequeath unto such Children of my Uncle James Dunce of Chertsey which shall be then living Thirty poundes to be equally divided amongst them if it so happen and to be paid unto them by my Executors and Trustees of this my Will hereafter named out of my goods and Chattells within three Monthes next after the decease of my son and further my Will & meaning is that if it so happen that my sd son William doe dye before he comes & attaines to the age of one & Twenty yeares that the remaynder of the said Goods Chattells money & debts whatsoever (after the said Thirty pounds is paid) shall remayne to be equally divided betweene Phillip Beauchampe Elizabeth Beauchampe th'elder & Elizabeth Beauchampe the younger my Brother & Sisters their heires & assignes for ever immediately after the death of my son William if it so happen And further my Will is that the Executors and Trustees of this my Will hereafter named shall take care to see my son brought upp in good Education and that they shall pay unto Dianna my beloved Wife Five pounds a yeare for keeping the said Child (if they thinke fitt for the said Dianna to bring upp the said Child) untill the sd William my son comes & attaine to the age of Eight yeares and after my said son William comes & attaine to the age of Eight yeares my Will & meaning is that the and Trustees of this my Will shall take care to the best of their power to see my son brought upp in good Education, Item I give & bequeath unto my deare Mother Elizabeth Beauchampe Dr Wheatley of Chertsey & to Phillip Beauchampe Elizabeth Beauchampe thelder Elizabeth Beauchampe the younger my Brother & sisters Tenn shillinges a peece to buy each of them a mourning Ring And I doe make & ordayne Phillip Beauchampe of Chobham my Brother & James Dunce of Chertsey my Uncle Executors in trust of this my last Will and Testament and I desire them to take care to see my son brought upp and to putt out my money & manage my businesse for the best advantage of my son and my Will is that they shall be paid all reasonable disbursements which they shall expend or disburse in the manageing of this my Will, And I doe request nominate & appoint my two loving Friends William Smith of Chobham my uncle & William French to be Trustees of this my last Will and Testament and I desire them to assist my Executors to see this my Will performed for the best advantage of my son & my Will is that they shall be paid all reasonable disbursements which they shall expend or disburse in the manageing of this my Will In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal the day and year first above written And so the Lord have mercy uppon me. Anthony Thomson Signed sealed pronounced published and declared by the said Anthony Tompson to be his last will & testam.t in the prsence of Charles Wheatley the mke of @ Edith Bichnold the mke of ~ Susan Kippings Willm French Probatum fuit ... Quarto die mensis Decembris Anno Dni Millimo Sexcentesimo et Nonagesimo ... DW/PA/5/1690/127