I Richard Winkworth of the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Yeoman do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) I give and bequeath to Ann my Wife All my Household Goods Household Furniture Utensils and Implements of Household Books (except Books of Account) Plate Linen China and Wearing Apparel Also I give and devise to my Daughter Ann and her Heirs All those pieces or parcels of Arable and Meadow Land and Hereditaments situate lying and being in the Parish of Wokeing aforesaid which I lately purchased of John Maybank with their and every of their Appurtenances To hold the same to my said Daughter Ann and her Heirs for ever Also I give and bequeath to my Brother William Winkworth of Guildford in the said County of Surrey Draper and Brother in Law John Coleman the Younger of Sattenham in the parish of Witley in the said County Yeoman the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to them or the Survivor of them or the Executors Administrators or Assigns of such Survivor in three Calendar Months after my decease Upon Trust to be by them placed out at Interest called in and placed out again at Interest from time to time at his and their discretion on Government Securities or on Mortgages or Personal Securities And upon Trust to pay and apply the Dividends and Interest thereof from time to time for or towards the maintenance education use and benefit of my said Daughter Ann until she shall attain her age of Twenty one Years or marry (which shall first happen) if she shall so long live and when she shall have attained her age of Twenty one Years or marry (which shall first happen) then Upon further Trust to pay the said sum of three hundred and fifty pounds or assign the Securities on which the same shall be then placed out to her And if my said Daughter Ann shall die under the age of Twenty one Years and unmarried then Upon further Trust on decease to pay the said sum of three hundred and fifty pounds or assign the Securities on which the same shall be then placed out to such person or persons as at the time of her decease shall be my next of kin in equal degree according to the Statute for distribution of Intestates Estates and I give and bequeath the same accordingly but my said Wife shall not be intitled to any part thereof Also I give and bequeath to such Children or Child as I shall or may hereafter have by my said Wife (whether born in my life time or after my decease) the sum of Five hundred Pounds a piece of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to him her and them respectively at his her and their respective age and ages of Twenty one Years or respective day and days of Marriage which shall first happen And I hereby will and direct that such said respective Legacy and Legacies shall be placed out at Interest by my Executors In Trust hereinafter appointed in their own Names or in the name of the survivor of them on Government Securities or on Mortgages or Personal Securities at his and their discretion in three Months after my decease or in three Months after the birth of such after born Child or Children which shall first happen Upon Trust to pay and apply the Dividends and Interest thereof respectively from time to time for or towards the respective maintenance education use and benefit of such Child or Children respectively until he she and they respectively shall attain the age of Twenty one Years or marry which shall first happen if he she and they shall so long live and then Upon Trust to pay his her and their said respective Legacy and Legacies to him her and them respectively Provided always and I will that the said Legacy and Legacies of Five hundred pounds each of any and every such said Children or Child as shall die under the age of Twenty one Years and unmarried shall from and after the time and times of his her and their respective deaths be deemed and taken as and for part of the rest and residue of my Personal Estate hereinafter bequeathed and be paid and applied accordingly And I hereby subject and charge all and every my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments (except my Freehold Estate hereinbefore devised to my said Daughter Ann and her Heirs) with their and every of their appurtenances and all such Estate and Interest therein respectively whereof I have a disposing power to and with the payment of so much and such part and parts of my Debts Funeral expences and charges of proving this my Will and also of the Legacies and sums of money herein before by me given and bequeathed as my Personal Estate not hereinbefore specifically bequeathed shall or may happen not to be sufficient to pay And so subject and chargeable and charged I hereby give and devise the same (Except as before excepted) to my son John Winkworth and his Heirs for ever Also I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate whatsoever to the said William Winkworth and John Coleman and the Survivor of them Upon Trust to convert into money such parts thereof as shall not consist of money and to put out at Interest call in and place out again at Interest from time to time towards the maintenance education use and benefit of my son John Winkworth until he until he shall attain the age of Twenty one Years if he shall so long live and when my said son shall have attained his age of Twenty one Years then Upon further Trust to pay the same or assign the Securities on which the same shall be then placed out to him And if my said son shall die under the age of Twenty one Years leaving any Children or Child then Upon further Trust to pay the same on his decease to such Children (if more than one) equally between them to be divided and if but one the whole thereof to that one Child but if my said son shall die under the age of Twenty one Years without leaving any Children or Child then Upon further Trust on his decease to pay the same to such person or persons as at the time of his decease shall be my next of kin in equal degree according to the Statute for distribution of Intestates Estates and I give and bequeath the same accordingly but my said Wife shall not be intitled to any part thereof and I hereby nominate make and appoint the said William Winkworth and John Coleman Executors In Trust of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and I hereby also nominate and appoint them and my said Wife Guardians of my said Son and Daughter John and Ann and of such other Children or Child as I shall or may hereafter have by my said Wife until they respectively shall attain their respective ages of Twenty one Years and I hereby will declare and direct that my said Executors and Trustees shall not be answerable one for the other but each only for his own Acts Receipts neglects and defaults nor shall they be answerable for any involuntary loss of any Trust moneys or premises nor for any more thereof than what shall come to their respective hands and that they shall and may deduct and retain out of the money which shall come to their or either or their hands all their costs charges damages and expences occasioned by the Trusts and Executorship of this my Will In Witness whereof I the said John Winkworth the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the preceding sheet of Paper set my hand and Seal (to wit) to each sheet thereof the Eighth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty eight. Richard Winkworth Signed sealed and published by the said Richard Winkworth the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribe our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence and at the request of the said Testator and in the presence of one another the words "such person or persons as at the time of his decease shall be" being first interlined between the tenth and eleventh lines in this sheet of paper Edw.d Bowler Rhoda Cox W.m Smyth The Will of Richard Winkworth late of the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surry deceased was proved on the Thirtieth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and nine before the Reverend William Hodgson Cole Clerk a Surrogate by the Oaths of William Winkworth the Brother of the deceased and John Coleman the Executors to whom Admon was granted they having been first sworn to Administer. DW/PA/5/1809/20