In the name of God Amen I James Snelling of Wokeing in the County of Surry Blacksmith do make & ordain This my last Will and Testament as follows First I commend my soul to the mercies of God and my Body to the earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as to my Worldly Estate I Give and bequeath the same as follows first my will and meaning is that all my just debts and funerall expences be fully satisfied and paid by my Executor I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann now the wife of John Blishon for the term of her Naturall Life all that my free hold messuage with a blacksmith shop and Garden with the appurtenances sittuate lying and being in Wokeing aforesaid she paying out of the same unto my son James Snelling one shilling in one month after my decease also my Will is that if at any time my son John Snelling should at any time come my will is that he should have the use of one Room in the said house to Lodge in and the stable for his horse free from any payment and from and after the decease of my said daughter I Give and bequeath the said house and shop and Garden with the appurtenances unto my Grandson James Blishen and his heirs and assigns for ever he alowing unto my son John the use of the house and stables as above directed and paying out of the same unto my Grandaughter Mary Blishon the sum of twenty five pounds in two months after his Mothers decease if my said Grandaughter have attained to the age of twenty one years if not then to pay her the said twenty five pounds at the time that she attains to the age of twenty one years further my Will is that if all my said daughters children should happen to dye before they have attained to the age of twenty one years and Leave no child lawfully begotten then and from and after the decease of my said daughter and her children I give and bequeath the aforesaid Estate unto my son John Snelling and his heirs and assigns for ever and I charge the said Estate as above directed I Give and bequeath all my household goods to my son John Snelling and my daughter Ann Blishon to be eaqually devided between them shear and shear alike I Give and bequeath unto my son John Snelling and his heirs and assigns for ever all my copyhold lands in Pirbright All the Rest of my goods and chattells of what kind so ever I Give and bequeath unto my son John Snelling and I constitute and appoint my son John Snelling my sole executor of this my last will and testament contained in this and one other sheet of paper In wittness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred seaventy and four. James Snelling Signed sealed published and declared by the testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presents of the testator George Gyles Mary Gyles Philip Gyles Whereas in the former part of this my Last Will I have desired that James Blishen should pay to his sister Mary Twenty five pounds but now as my Daughter have more children and may have more I desire that Fifty pounds more in all seventy five pounds may be devided Equally between all his Brothers and sisters share and share alike to be paid by the said James Blishen out of the freehold House and premises before mentioned at their Respective ages of Twenty one years if he should then be come into possession of the said premises if he be not then to be paid in six months after he do come into possession I desire that my son James may have free liberty to carry on the Trade of a Blacksmith in the shop and liberty of going to grindstone so long as he shall choose to carry on the trade him self but not to let it to any other person I mean the smiths shop only by Paying Twenty shillings a Year Rent I desire my Funeral Expences and all Moneys advanced on my account from this time may be equally paid by my son John and my Daughter Ann share and share alike I give to my son James all the Tooles belonging to the Trade I desire the Additions and Alterations now made be in as full force and Virtue as what was first Wrote as Wittness my Hand and Seal this Twenty Second day of December one thousand seven hundred and Eighty James Snelling Wittness John Hunt James Stevens the mark X of Annes Learence This Will with a Codicil was proved at London the 6th day of May 1784 before the Worshipful Andrew Colke Dercarel Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Worshipful George Harris Doctor of Laws Commissary for the Parts of Surry lawfully constituted pending the Annual Visitation by the Oath of John Snelling the son and sole Executor therein named to whom Administration was Granted having been first sworn duly to Administer. DW/PC/5/1784/10