In the name of god ame the xiiij day of the moneth of marche In the yere of or lorde gode thoussande fyve hundreth Fyftye and heyghte I John Stere hussebanman of the heth syde In the parishe of Woking and in the Countye of Surrey do mayke ordayne and declare thys my present testament conteynyng my last wylle In maner and forme Folowing that ys to saye Fyrste I comende my soule to almyghty god our blessed ladye saynt marye and to alle the holye companye of heven and my bodye to be buryde wythine the church yarde of the parishe of Wokeking aforsayd Ite I do geve and bequeve to John Stere my elder sonne ij shepes of iij yeres oulde & ij yous and ij mother teges and one lockerum shete and a plater Ite I do geve and bequeve to Thomas Stere my sonne i blcke stere of ij yeres ould and ij teges Ite I do geve and bequeve to Jone Stere my dorter one brended heyffer tow yeres ould and iij yoe shepe and one lockerum shete and one plater that was hur mothers Ite I do geve and bequeve to Edward my sonne one pyed heyffer bullock one yere ould and iij yoe shepe Ite I do geve and bequeve to my iiij youngger chedron iiij shepe Ite I do geve and bequeve to John Stere my younggest sonne my best cawdryne and my best tyffete and a fyne shete affeter the deces of hys mother Ite I geve and bequeve to Wyllm Stere my sonne the elder a brasse pane affeter the deces of hys mother Ite I geve and bequeve to Wyllm Stere my youngges sonne my best brasse potte affeter the deces of hys mother Ite I geve and bequeve to Annys Stere my dorter one fyne shete and one plater affeter the deces of hur mother provyded that the residewe of all and singular my goodes and cattells movable and unmovable and not bye me above wylled and bequeved I do geve and bqueve to Alyce Stere my wyffe the whech Alse Stere my wyffe I do constytude and ordayne my sole executryx of thys my psent last wyll and testament and she to see my detts payd and to calle for myne Ite I Constitude and make Roberd Stere my brother over sere of thys my laste wyll and testement and to see ye same pformed accordingly as above is declared unto home I do geve and bequeve for hys paynes takeing therin iijs iiijd thes being wyttnes Thomas Thayre Rychard Burchat John Catrynggeance wt other men T Stere Probatum fuit ... xvi Junii Anno 1559 ... DW/PA/5/1559/86