In the name of God Amen the fowerth day of March in the Thirteenth Yeare of the Raigne of our Sovrigne Lord William the Third by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c And in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand Seaven Hundred and one I John Tice of Crastock in ye parish of Wokeing in the County of Surr Mealman being sick & weake in body but of sound and perfect mind & memory thanks be given to Almighty God for the same doe hereby make & declare this to bee my last Will & Testam.t in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and Principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping to bee saved through the meritts and intercession of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer my body I Committ to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors and Executrix hereafter named And as touching my worldly Estate w:th which it has pleased Almighty God to bestow uppon mee I dispose of the same as followeth. Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Tice All Those my twoe freehold Messuages or Tenem.ts and ye Lands Tenem.ts and hereditam.ts thereunto belonging scituate lyeing & being in the parish of Puttenham in the said County of Surry And now in the teanure or occupacon of Thomas Tice & George Snelling or their assigns forever But it is my Will and meaning that my said sonne John Tice shall permit & suffer my wife Alice Tice to hold & enjoy the Thirds thereof dureing her natural life And whereas I have this day surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Frensham Beale all that my Coppyhold Messuage & lands called or known by the name of Lanawaies scituate lyeing and being in the parish of Elstead in the said County of Surry in the occupacon of John Woods to ye use of my will And whereas the Custome of the said Mannor is that A widdow shall have & enjoy the lands dureing her widdowhood paying one penny for the admitance, Now I doe hereby give the said Coppyhold Messuage & lands called Lanawaies as aforesaid unto my Loveing wife Alice dureing her widdowhood according to ye Custom of the said Mannor And from & after the Marriage of my said wife or decease I give & bequeath the said Coppyhold Messuage & lands called Lanawaies unto my sonne Joseph Tice his heires & assignes forever provided allweies & uppon condicon nevertheless that my said sonne Joseph Tice shall pay out of the said Messuage & Lands One hundred pounds unto my daughter Fraunces Tice w:thin five yeares after my decease And doe hereby give & bequeath unto my said daughter Fraunces the said sume of One hundred pounds out of the said Messuage & lands accordingly and in case my said sonne Joseph Tice shall happen to dye w:thout issue of his body Then I give & bequeath the said Messuage & lands called Lanawaies unto my twoe sonnes John Tice & Benjamin Tice their heires & assignes forever And in case my said sonne John Tice shall happen to dye w:thout any issue of his body Then I give & bequeath the said freehold Messuage or Tenem.t & lands called Chanes lyeing in Puttenham aforesaid in ye occupacon of Thomas Tice unto my sonne Benjamin Tice his heires & assignes forever & the other freehold Messuage & lands lyeing in Puttenham aforesaid in in ye occupacon of George Snelling I give & bequeath unto my sonne Joseph Tice his heires & assignes forever And my will and meaneing is that my said sonne John Tice shall w:thin fower Yeares after my decease pay out of the said freehold Messuages & Lands lyeing in Puttenham aforesaid unto my daughter Mary Tice the sume of One hundred pounds And I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my said daughter Mary Tice out of the said freehold Messuages & Lands the sume of One hundred pounds accordingly And whereas I have this day surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Farneham all that my Coppy Messuage & lands called Oldings lyeing in Elstead in the said County of Surry & held of the said Mannor of Farneham by Coppy of Court Roll to ye use of my Will Now I doe hereby give & bequeath the proffitts of the said Messuage & lands for dureing and untill my sonne Benjamin Tice shall attaine to his age of Twoe and Twenty yeares unto my Executors and Executrix hereafter named And soe soone as my said sonne Benjamin Tice shall attaine to his age of Two & Twenty yeares I doe hereby give & bequeath the said Coppyhold Messuage & lands unto my said sonne Benjamin his heires & assignes forever And in case my said sonne Benjamin Tice shall happen to die w:thout any issue of his body lawfully begotten Then in such case I doe hereby give & bequeath the said Coppyhold Messuage & lands called Oldings unto my twoe sonnes John Tice & Joseph Tice their heires & assignes forever equally to be devided betweene them share & share alike Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne Benjamin Tice the sume of Fifty pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid him by my Executrix & Executors hereafter named when he attaine to the age of Two & Twenty yeares Item I give & bequeath unto my said daughter Fraunces Tice the sume of One hundred pounds to bee paid to her w:thin three yeares next after my decease by my said Executrix & Executors Item I give & bequeath unto my twoe Grandsonnes John Smith & William Smith sonnes of John Smith of Royall & Alice his wife my daughter the sume of Five pounds apeece to bee paid to them by my said Executrix & Executors w:thin six yeares next after my decease Item all the rest & residue of my goods & Chattles not herein & hereby before bequeathed after my debts paid & legacyes discharged & all moneys & my personall estate both reall and personall I give & bequeath unto my Loveing wife Alice Tice & to my twoe sonnes John Tice & Joseph Tice equally to bee devided betweene them And I doe hereby nominate Constitute ordayne & appoint my said Loveing wife Alice Tice Executrix & my said twoe sonnes John Tice & Joseph Tice Executors of this my last will & Testam.t And I do hereby revoake adnull & make void all former Wills by mee made And doe declare this to bee my last Will & Testam.t And lastly I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my daughter Alice Smith my little white Mare In Witnes whereof I the said John Tice to this my last Will & Testam.t conteyning twoe sheets of paper have to each sheet sett my hand & Seale the said fowerth day of March in the said Thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our said sovraigne Lord King William the Third over England & Annoq Dni 1701 John Tice Memorand that the word (in) in the first Line of the first sheete and the word (John & freehold) in the Eleventh Line of the first sheete & the word (sonne) in the last Line of the first sheete & the words (Executors and Executrix hereafter named) in the Eighth Line of the second sheete, Interlined were sevally interlined before the Signeing and Sealeing hereof and afterwards the said John Tice did Signe, Seale, published and declare this to be his last Will and Testam.t in the psnce of us who subscribed our names in the psnce of the said John Tice John Martin William Stovold John Boxall Martin Sturt John Gilham Probate 16 April 1702 DW/PC/5/1702/1