In the name of God Amen the Six and Twentyth day of December Annoq Doni [1717] And in the Fourth year of the Reigne of our gracious Lord George by the grace of God of great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c: I Henry Stedman of the parish of Woaking in the County of Surry husbandman being sick in Boddy but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praise be given to God) doe make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner and forme following Revoking and Annulling all other Will or Wills by me heretofore made and this to be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other (That is to say) first I commend and bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God that gave it hoping by the Reconciliation of Jesus Christ to be saved and my Boddy to the Earth from whence it came to be buryed in such decent manner as it shall please my Executor hereafter named to appoynt And as touching such temporal Estate as the Lord far above my hath lent me [sic] my Will and meaning is the same shall be Imployed and bestoed as hereafter in and by this my Will is expressed. Imprimis I Give Devise and Bequeath unto Henry my eldest son all that my Coppyhold Cottage or Tenement with all the buildings their unto belonging called Nero Hases and all the lands theirunto belonging conteyning by estimacon Nine Acres moore or less situate lying and being in the tything of Goldworth in the parish of Woaking aforesaid with all and every th'apputences theirunto belonging to Remayne and be to soale use and behoofe of my said son Henry his heires and assigns forever (upon this condicion) that he the said Henry my eldest son shall and doe well and truly pay or cause to be payd out of the said Cottage or Tenement and land the sume of Fourty pounds of lawfull Brittish money hereafter given and bequeathed unto my youngest son John so soon as he my said son John shall attaine unto the age of one and Twenty years And alsoe that my said son Henry doe and shall Maintain bring up and keep my said son John in all things necessary for or of his degree untill he shall attaine the age of one and Twenty years And alsoe that my said son Henry doe and shall well and truly pay or cause to be payd unto my Brother in law William Collyer the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull Brittish money which is due to him from me upon Bond with all Intrest due thereon Item I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my second son Richard all my Coppyhold Cottage or Tenement with the Barns Gardens Oarchard and Backside theirunto belongin abbutting uppon the Roade leading from Farnham to Chersey on the Este parte and on the lande of John Enckes on the South and West parts and on the Oarchard or Backside of John Collyer on the North part situate lying and being in the Tything of Goldworth aforesaid with all and every th'apputences therunto belonging to Remayne and be the sole use and behoofe of my said son Richard his heires and assignes forever And as for all my goods and Chattells I give and bequeath the same unto my said son Henry whom I doe make and ordaine soale Executor of this my last will and testament he paying my Debts Funerall expences and legsie of Fourty pounds which I doe give and bequeath unto my said son John when he shall attaine the age of one and Twenty years as is above menconed and I doe desir my kinsmand William Collyer & my Neighbor John Collyer to be overseers of this my last Will and Testament and to see the same parformed I Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written the marke H of Henry Stedman Signed Sealed pronounced published and declared by the said Henry Stedmanto be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the marke of William Collyer Senr Richard Young Willm Collyer jun.r Probatum &r Vicesimo Sexto die Mensis Septembris Anno Domini millimo septingesimo Decimo Octavo ... DW/PA/5/1718/169