In the name of God Amen I Thomas Waterer of Crastock in the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey husbandman being sicke and weake of body but of good pfect mynd and memory Doe make my last Will & Testament in manner and forme following And first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing by the merritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to be saved and to privy lif everlasting with the elect people of god And for my Body I leave it to the Earth to be buryed in Christian buryull according to the discretion of my loveing wife Johane my Executrix undernamed And for my worldly estate that god hath bin pleased to give me I will give and bequeath the same be it what kind or nature whatsoever to my said loveing wife Johane whom I doe hereby make my full and sole Executrix shee paying thereout (yf any) my just debts and buryall charges And soe the Lord have mercy on my Soule In Witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale the nyne and twentith day of december 1664 and in the sixeteenth yere of the reigne of our most gracious Lord Kinge Charles over England &c. the marke T of Thom.s Waterer Signed Sealed and published in the psence of William Sherret Richard Davis William Wilding Probatum fuit ... undecimo die Mensis Martii Anno Dni (stylo Anglia) 1664 ... DW/PA/5/1665/62