In the name of God Amen The Fourth day of December in the Six & thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the second &c Annoq Dni 1684 I Elizabeth Toft of Woking in the County of Surrey widdow being verry sick and weak in Body but of sound & pfect memory praysed be Allmighty God for the same Doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following (that is to say) First I comend my Soule to Allmighty God my Creator And my Body to the Earth to be decent and Christianly buryed according to the discretion of mine Executor & Trustee hereafter named and as for my Goods & Chatells I give & bequeath the same as followeth (that is to say) Imp:is I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Elizabeth Lidger and Margaret Sherrett to each of them One shilling of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Chase One Feather Bed & two Bolsters two pillowes one Coverlett and one paire of sheets, with the Bedsted Mat & Cord and the Curtaines and Vallegnes thereto belonging now standing & being in the Chamber where I now dwell, And alsoe I give and bequeath moreover unto the said Mary Chase my best Gowne and Petty Coat Item all the rest of my Goods and Chattells whatsoever yet unbequeathed I give and bequeath the same wth my ready money unto my dear & Loveing Father Evan Morris For the payment of my debts Legacies & Funerall Charges I give and bequeath the same for & towards the maintenance & bringing up of my Three youngest Children (That is to say) William Robinson my sonne and Mary Robinson and Susannah Toft my two Daughters, And I nominate & appoint the said Evan Morris to be Executor of this my said last Will & Testament and Trustee and doe intrust and impower him to order dispose & doe of all my said Goods, Chattells & ready money as before menconed according to the true intent & meaning of this my psent last Will & Testament In Witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale the day & yeare first above written. Elizabeth Toft her X mark Signed Sealed published & declared for the last Will & Testament of the sd Elizabeth Toft in the psce of the mark of Richard R Hayward the mark X of Mary Hone Sam.l Heath Tertio die mensis Junii Anno Dni Millesimo Sexcentesimo Octogesimo Quinto ... Richardo Bird, Johanni Freeland, Nathanieh Atfeild, Thome Edwards, Edward Farley et Guilielino Waterer Curatoribus ltime assignaltis Guilielino Robinson, Maria Robinson et Susanna Toft Minoribia Liberis aralibus et ltimis Elizabetha Toft ... DW/PC/5/1685/12