In the name of God Amen The Tenth day of February in the Fifth yeare of the Reign of our Sovraigne Lady Ann by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith And in the Year of or Lord One thousand seaven hundred and six I Lionell Rawlins of Wokeing in the County of Surry gent being sicke & Weake in Body but of Memory & Understanding thanks be given to Almighty God for the same but calling to mind the certainty of Death and the Uncertainty of the Time thereof do hereby make & ordaine this to be my last Will & Testam.t in manner & Forme following (that is to say) First and principally I comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping to be saved through the merritts & Intercession of Jesus Christ my only Saviour & Redeemer My Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named And as touching my Worldly Estate with which it has pleased Almighty God to bestow upon Me I give & dispose thereof as followeth Whereas I have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manour of Wokeing by the Acceptance of Thomas Martin & Richard Vincent two Customary Tennts of the said Manour All that my Coppyhold Messuage or Tenem.t And Three score Acres of Land thereunto belonging called Fishers or by any other Name or Names scittuate lying & being in thee Tytheing of Hale End in the said Parish of Wokeing And also all that parcell of Meadow called Hoods containing by estimation Four Acres be the same more or less And two Acres of Pasture to the same adjoyning called Mill Platts And also One Acre of Meadow lying in Mill Mead in Wokeing aforesaid All which said Messuage and Sevrall parcells of Land & Meadow ground are scituate lying and being in the sd parish of of Wokeing aforesaid To th' Use & Behoofe of such person or persons And for such Estate & Estates And for such Uses Intents and Purposes As I the sd Lionell Rawlins should by my last Will & Testam.t in Writeing Limitt direct & appoint And to & for no other Use or Uses Intent or Purpose whatsoever Now I do hereby give & Devise the said Coppy hold Messuage & Three Score Acres of Land called Fishers And the said parcell of Meadow called Hoods and the two Acres of Pasture called Mill Plotts And the Acres of Meadow lying in Mill Mead in Wokeing aforesaid so Surrendered as aforesaid to my Loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins for dureing & untill my Youngest sonn John Rawlins shall attaine to his Age of One and Twenty Yeares if he lives so long for & towards his maintenance and education it being my Intent & desire that my said loveing Wife shall take Care of the bringing Up of him And as soon as my said sonn John Rawlins shall attain to his said Age of One and Twenty Yeares or my said Wife dye Then imediately from the death of my said Wife or my said sonn John's Attaining to his Age of One and Twenty Yeares I give and Devise the said Messuage or Tenem.t and the said Three Score Acres of Land called Fishers And the said parcell of Meadow called Hoods and the said parcell of Pasture called Mill Platts And the said parcell of Meadow in Mill Mead unto my said Youngest sonn John Rawlins and to his Heirs & Assigns forever But in Case my said Youngest sonn should dye before he attain to his Age of One and Twenty Yeares without Isssue of his Body Then I give and Devise the said Coppy hold Messuage and lands called Fishers And the said Meadow called Hoods and the said parcell of Pasture called Mill Platts And the Meadow in Mill Mead unto my Three Daughters Elizabeth the Wife of John Tice Mary Rawlins and Ann Rawlins and to their Heirs & assigns forever Item I give and Bequeath unto my said Three Daughters Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins and Ann Rawlins & to their Heirs & Ass forever from & after the deceases of my Mother Ann Rawlins & of my loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins (they having An Estate for Life in the Lands) All that my Freehold Meadow or Parcell of Meadow ground called or known by the Name of Millditch Mead als great Millditch Mead conteining by Estimation Tenn Acres be the same more or lesse lying & being in the parish of Send in the said County of Surry To hold the said Freehold Mead or parcell of Meadow ground & prmses aforesd called Millditch Mead als great Millditch Mead with the Appttennces after the deceases of the said Ann Rawlins my Mother and the said Margarett Rawlins my Wife unto my said Three daughters Elizabeth the Wife of John Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins and to their Heirs & assigns forever Item I give and Devise unto my loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins for & dureing the terme of her naturall Life All that little Freehold Mead or Parcell of Meadow ground conteining by Estimation Three Acres be it more or lesse called or known by the Name of Millditch Mead lying in Wokeing or Send aforesaid and from and after the Decease of my said loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins I give and Devise the said Freehold little Mead or Parcell of Meadow ground conteining by Estimation Three Acres be it more or lesse called or known by the Name of Mill Ditch Mead & pmises with the Appttennces unto my said Loveing Daughters Elizabeth the Wife of John Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins and to their Heirs & assigns forever Provided always and upon Condition nevertheless And it is my Will & Meaning that my said Wife Margarett Rawlins and my said Three daughters Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins and their Heirs shall after the decease of Ann Rawlins my Mother out of the said Lands called great Mill ditch Mead and of the said Mead called Mill ditch Mead Pay or cause to be paid unto my loveing Brother John Rawlins of Horsell in the said County of Surry and his Assigns for & dureing the tearm of his Naturall Life by Four Quarterly Paym.ts in the Year the sume of Four Pounds of lawfull Money of England free of all Taxes whatsoever the First Payment thereof to begin and be made at such of the said Featsts or Quarterly Paym.ts as shall first happen after the decease of the said Ann Rawlins my Mother And in case my said loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins and my said Daughters Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins shall neglect & refuse to pay unto my said Brother John Rawlins the said Legacy of Four Pounds Fr and dureing his Life by Four Quarterly paym.ts Then & in such Case I give and devise the said Freehold Lands called great Mill ditch Mead & Little Mill ditch Mead unto my said Brother John Rawlins & his assigns untill he shall be satisfied the said sume of Four pounds and all arrearages thereof & so Toties Quoties as the said Margarett Rawlins my Wife Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins shall neglect or refuse to pay unto my said Brother John Rawlins his said Annuity of Four Poundsin manner as aforesaid And whereas my Eldest sonn Lionell Rawlins has a sufficient Estate settled on him which will Imediately come to him after mine & my Wifes deceases And another Estate given him by Madam Kaynes his Relation which Is the reason that I have not given him any Lands by this my Will But do only give him the sume of Five pounds as A Token of my Love & Affection which I have and bear unto him and therefore hope therefore he will not Molest or Trouble his Brother or any of his Sisters in the Enjoym.t of any of their Legacies hereby given them nor that any Person will Persuade him thereunto he being not capable of Manageing what he has already given him being a person of very meane Understanding which said Five Pounds I desire my Wife will pay unto him within Twelve Months after my decease and to lett him live with her and take care of him Item I give & Bequeath unto my loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins All my Person Estate whatsoever both within doors & without to th Intent that shee shall out of the same pay all my debts that I shall Owe at the Time of my decease either Bonds or otherwise (Excepting the Sume of One Hundred Pounds due to Richard Davys of Wokeing and for Security of which I have Mortgaged Little Mill Ditch Mead which my Intent is shall be paid & discharged by my Three Daughters Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins their Heirs & Assigns to whom I have given the Inheritance) Item all the rest & residue of my Goods & Chattles & Personal Estate whatsoever Debts Arrears of Rent not herein & hereby before given & Bequeathed I give & Bequeath unto my loveing Wife Margarett Rawlins whom I make Constitute Ordayne & Appoint Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testam.t In Witness whereof I the said Lionell Rawlins to this my last Will and Testam.t containing two sheets of Paper have to each sheet sett my hand & Seal the day & yeare in the first sheet menconed. Lionell Rawlins Memorand that the words (Item I give & Bequeath unto my said Three daughters Elizabeth Tice Mary Rawlins & Ann Rawlins & to their Heirs & Assigns forever) in the One & Fortieth Line in the first Sheet were so Interlined before the Signeing Sealeing Publishing hereof and afterwards theis prnts were Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Lionell Rawlins to be his last Will & Testam.t in the psence of us who subscribed our Names in the Psence of the said Lionall Rawlins Thomas Marlyn [I think this is Martyn with the 't' not being crossed] Richard Vinsent Natha: Sturt Jhn Rawley Probatum ... 14th Junii Anno Dni 1707 ... DW/PA/5/1707/132