In the name of God Amen The first day of May in the nine and twentieth yeare of the Raigne of or Sovraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the Fayth And in the Yeare of or Lord One thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven I Joane Roake of Wokeing in the County of Surry widdowe being sicke & weake in body but of sound & pfect minde and memory (prayse be therefore given to Almighty God) doe make ordaine & declare this my last Will & Testam.t in manner & forme followeing (that is to say) First & principally I comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the meritts death & passion of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ to be saved onely And my body I committ to the Earth to be decently buryed in according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Item whereas my former husband Robert Martin did formerly surrender a Certain Messuage or tenem.t lands & prmisses with the apprtenances situate in in [sic] the Tything of Kingfeild in Wokeing aforesaid called Goldhaw als Gouldharde and Maggetts als Maggotts haw to the use & behoofe of me his then wife Joane for Eighteen yeares amongst other things as thereby appeared for the maintenance & bringgeing upp of my Children Now I doe hereby give and bequeath the said messuage or tenem.t lands & prmisses with the apprtenances unto John Sawyer of Wokeing in the said County of Surry Yeom. & unto William Collyer att Oaks in Wokeing aforesaid yeom. their & Assigns from & immeadiately after my decease for & dureing all the rest & residue of the said terme of Eighteen yeares in trust for the maintenance & Education of all my Children according to the true intent & meaneing of the said Surrender. Item I doe hereby grant Assigne and appoynt the Guardianshippe as well of the body of my Eldest son John Martin as alsoe of the lands hereafter mentoned unto the said John Sawyer and William Collyer their & untill his full age of One and twenty yeares And alsoe I give bequeath & devise the same lands last mentoned being one pcell of land called Mayley brocke in Kingfilde aforesaid conteyneing by estimaton two acres unto my said son John Martin his heirs & assigns for ever Provided always nevertheless and ppon this Conditon that the said John Sawyer & William Collyer their & Assigns shall have & receive all the rents Issues & pfitts thereof imeadiately after my decease for dureing & untill all the rest & residue of the said Eighteen yeares as shall be then to come & unexpired in trust to be imployed by them for the maintenance & education of all my Children. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Martin the full sume of twenty pounds of Lawfull money of England to be paid unto him when he shall accomplish his age of One and twenty yeares. Item all the rest of my Goods Chattells moneys bonds bills mortgages & all other Assurances for money whatsoever I give and bequeath unto the said John Sawyer & William Collyer whom I make Joynt Executors in trust of this my last Will & Testam.t to pay my debts, Legacies & Funerall expences And after that to be by them disposed to the best advantage for the maintenance educaton & bringing upp of all my Children for & dureing all the rest & residue of the said terme of Eighteen yeares which shall be then to come & unexpired And after the said terme ended all my said psonall Estate then remaining undisposed of in manner as aforesd I give & bequeath unto all my said Children to be equally devided amongst them And if any of my said Children shall in the meane tyme happen to dye then the part & share of him her or them soe dying to be equally devided amongst the survivers of my said Children And I give and bequeath unto the said John Sawyer & William Collyer twenty shillings apeece towards their paines besides their Charges hereby desireing them to see this my will Carefully pformed in manner & forme as aforesaid In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare first above written. The mke of + Joane Roake Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will & Testam.t of the said Joane Roake in the psce of Richard Sawyer Jo: Tichborne Probatum et approbatum ... Primo die Mensis Septembris Anno Dni Millimo sexcenmo septuagesimo septimo ... DW/PA/5/1677/27