In the name of God Amen I William Theed of Wokeing in the County of Surry Mercer being sick in Body but of sound and perfect mind memory & understanding praised be almighty God for the same Do Make Publish & Declare this to be my last Will & Testam.t in manner following (that is to say) First & principally I Comend my Soule into the hands of almighty God hoping through the Meritts Death and passion of my only Saviour Jesus Christ to have full remission for all my sinns my body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buryed att the Discretion of my Executors and Trustees hereafter named And as touching such temporall Estate wherewith Almighty God has blessed me I dispose thereof as follows Imprimis I Give and Bequeath to my Nephew & Niece John & Mary children of my Brother in Law John Flutter Clerk Forty pounds a piece of lawfull money of great Brittain Item I Give and Bequeath to my kinsman Tho.s Terry sonn of my Uncle William Terry Fifteen pounds of like lawfull money Item I Give and Bequeath to my servant Maid Mary Bonsey Five pounds of like lawfull money All which Legacies my Will is shall be paid within Six Months after my Death by my Executors Item I Give and Bequeath to my Nephew Richard Chittey all the sheetes in the Deale Chest in the Chamber over the shop being Five & Twenty or Thirty pair or thereabouts and the Napkins that are in the Draw of the same Chest being two douzen or thereabouts and also Six Silver Spoones Eight Gold rings Four Silver Seales a bread piece of Gold and some odd pieces of Silver which are now in the hands of my Aunt Bird Item I Give and Bequeath to my brother in Law Mr John Flutter both my Mares Item I Give and Bequeath all my ready Money Debts Goods Chattles and personal Estate whatsoever not before give and Bequeathed unto my loving Friends Richard Vincent & John Vincent both of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman In trust and to and upon this Special Trust and Confidence that they the said Richard Vincent & John Vincent and the Survivor of them and the and Admors of the Survivor shall sell and dispose of such Goods att the best rate they Can and call and gett the Debts to me due & owing and in the first place to pay and Satisfy my Debts & Legacies and my Funerall and other incident Charges And then shall with all convenient speed they can Place out att Interest all the Monies that shall remain of my Goods Debts and personal Estate And Imploy the same to the purposes and in such manner as is hereafter mentioned (that is to say) as for and concerning the Interest and proffitt thereof to pay and dispose of the same to my said Nephew Richard Chittey untill he shall attain the age of one & Twenty Years or be married Then my said Trustees or the Survivor of them and the Execors & Admors of the Survivor of them shall call in & receive the principall Sume and pay the same to the said Richard Chitty his Execors & Admors or assigne the Securities thereof to the said Richard Chitty But in case the said Richard Chitty shall dye before he shall Attain to that age unmarried That then the Interest and Proffitts of such principall mony from the Death of the said Richard Chitty shall be paid to my said Nephew & Niece John & Mary Flutter or to the survivor of them untill they or the survivor of them shall have attained the age of one & Twenty Years or be married which shall first happen And when & so soon as they or the survivor of them shall have attained that age or be married that then the said principall mony shall go and be paid to my said Nephew & Niece John & Mary Flutter or to him or her surviveing But in case the said John & Mary Flutter my Nephew & Niece shall both dye under the age of One & Twenty unmarried That then my said Trustees and the Survivor of them and the Execors & Admors of the Survivor of them shall pay & equally divide the said principal mony to and amongst the Children of my said Uncle William Terry And my will is that my said Trustees shall and may deduct & take out of the Interests and Proffitts of such principal mony all such Charges as they from time to time shall be at in manageing the Trusts hereby reposed in them And in case all or any of such monies shall happen to be lost by reason of the Failure of Securities or otherwise My Will is that in such Case my said Trustees shall not be charged therewith or accountable for the same Item I Give to my said Trustees Five Guineas a piece to be taken out of my said personal Estate before the residue be placed at Interest And I do Nominate Constitute & Appoint the said Richard Vincent & John Vincent sole Executors of this my last Will & Testam.t In Witness whereof I the said William Theed have to this my last Will and Testam.t sett my hand and Seale the Seaventeenth Day of July in the Thirteenth Year of the reign of our Sovraigne Lady Queen Ann of great Brittain &c Annoq Dni 1714. Wm Theed Signed Sealed published & Declared by the said William Theed for & as his last Will & Testam.t in the prsence of us who have subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the prsence of the said Testator Ann Roydon Hen Caisely the mark R of Richard Huntingford Probatum &c, Decimo Septimo die mensis Augustii, Anno Dni, Millimo, Septingenimo, Decimo Quarto; ... DW/PA/5/1714/110