In the name of God Amen the Eighteenth day of March in the Foure & Twentyeth yeare of the raigne of our Sovraigne Lord King Charles the second &c Anno Dni 1671 I Mary Tacka of Woking in the County of Surrey widdow being verry weake in body but of sound and pfect memory praysed be to almighty God for the same Doe make my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following (that is to say) First & principally I bequeath my Soule to allmighty God my Creator assuredly beleiveing that I shall receive full pardon & free remission of all my Sinnes by the meritts & reconcilaitaion of my blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ and I bequeath my body to the Earth to be buryed in decent and Xpian manner according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my son William Tacka Twenty shillings of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Tacka One Feather Bed & Bolster & pillow & One Red Rugge & Blankett wth the Bedsted & the furniture belonging to him now standing in the Best chamber of my house which I now live in and also one joyn'd Chest there standing and Two paire of Sheetts and my bigest brasse pott and the biggest Table now standing in thee great parlour and Six Leather stooles Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Tacka my Feather Bed & Bolster wch now I in the Chamber over the Hall wth ye pillowes Blanketts & Bedsted and all that is to him and the great ioyn'd Chest there in the sd Chamber and halfe a dozen of Cusheon Skols and the longest Table in the little parlour and one joyn'd Forme And one small side cupboard now standing in the Chamber over the great parlour and one Iron pott next to the biggest or the biggest but one and alsoe Two paire of Sheetts Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Tacka my best Flock Bed and one pillow and three paire of Sheetts & one dozen of new Napkins now in the house & one pillow bagge two Table Cloaths one long one & the other a short one and one little Iron pott and alsoe Twenty Shillings of lawfull English money and one little Table now standing in the Chamber over the great parlour and one Table being the best of them wch stands in the Hall Alsoe to my daughters Mary, Anne and Elizabeth I give and bequeath to each of them Three pewter dishes of the best I now have And alsoe I give to my daughters Mary & Anne to each of them one pewter Flaggon Alsoe I give and bequeath to my Son John Tacka Five pounds of lawfull money of England to be pd unto him by mine Executor when he shall attaine to the age of Foure & twenty years but if that he shall happen to dye before he attaine to the said ageof Foure & twenty years my will & desire is the said Five pounds shall be equally devided & payd unto my said daughters Mary, Anne and Elizabeth or to the Survivor or Survivors of them or either of them which shall be then living Item I give and bequeath to my Son Robert Tacka all that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement wth the Outhouses Garden and all other the apptenances thereunto belonging situate lying & being in Lalham in the County of Middx To have & to hold to the said Robert Tacka my son and his heirs & assigns for ever Item All the rest of my Goodsand Chattells which are yett unbequeathed I give and bequeath to my said Son Robert Tacka whom I make Executor of this my last Will & Testament desireing him to pay my debts, Legacies and Funerall charges And I desire my trusty and loveing Friends William Sherrett of Crastock and Thomas Stimson the elder both of Woking afforesaid to be Overseers of this my said Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and yeare first above written. The marke of Mary Tacka Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the said Mary Tacka for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us THO: STIMSON Sam: Heath Probatum fuit ... Primo die Mensis Februarii Anno Dni (stilo Anglia) 1676 ... DW/PC/5/1677/79