In the name of God Amen the xi dy of FebruaryIn the yere of or lord god 1571 I John Sherrett the younger of the pishe of Wokyng wtin the Dioc of Wynchester beyng syck in bodie & yet hole in mynd & of good & pfyt remembrance laude & prayse be geven unto almyghtie god do make ordeyne & declare this my psent testament conteynyng therin my true & last wyll in manner & forme folowyng that is to saye First & pryncypally I comend my soule unto allmyghtie god my maker & my soule redeemer Jesus Christ by whose dethe & passion I trust to inheryte the kyngdome of heaven & my bodie to the yerth to be buryed wthin the Churchyard of my pishe of Wokynge aforsayed Item I geve & bequeath toward the mantenance of my pishe church of Woking aforesayd xijs Itm to the comen boxe toward the relefe of pore people viijs Itm I geve & bequeath to Johan my Daughter my best flockbed w a boulster & two pyllows of the best one good blanket my second best cover lyght one payre of my best canvas sheyts one standyng bedstedyll that standeth in the lytle syde of the up left two Coffers one of them standyng by the bedsyde in the chamber where my folfer lyeth & the other long coffer standyng nest to hym & all the [tachehonetts pyrms pyrdels?] & rynges that were her mothers & her mother in lawse her mothers best gowne & two best petycoats & theyr wearyng lynnen soryng one beragow a pece of whyght clothe redye drest to make her a petycoate her owne mothers chrytnyng sheyte one payre of cross cloth sheyets one payere of locram sheyts halfe a dosen pewter vessels halfe platters halfe dyshes & one of my Beste pewter platters two saucers one sault seller two candellstycks my second brasse pott two of my second best Kettells my byggest boule save one & one of the loser sort halfe a dossen pewter spones and halfe a dossen trenchers one skyllett pann two of my best kene my best cowbullock syx ewes & syxe lams to be delyvered at saynte makelstyde next after my dysseace one yong sow & one yelt one cubbord standynge in the chamber thre geyse & a gander four hens A spynnyng whele All the hatts & capps that were her owne mothers & her mother in lawes savyng a share throwd hat & xl of good and lawfull monne of Ingland to be payed by my oversears wtin thre yere next after my desseace Itm I wyll that Steven Collyer her uncle shall have the custodie & keping of Johan my daughter wt all her stock untyll she cos to thage of xx yers or else tyll she marry & then to dyliver the same instly & truly and if the sayde Johan do fayle before she cos to her full age then I wyll that all her sayde goods shall remane to John my son also I wyll that all the sayde goods whych I have geven to my daughter shalbe delyvered imedyatly after my dysseace except the ewes & lams & monne whytch is allredy aponted also I wyll that the sayde Steven shall have for his paynes herin endyng xs Itm I geve & bequeath to Thomas Hayward my wyves son one cowe & syxe sheype Itm I geve to Gregory Hayward he son one stere bullocke syxe sheype & my best coate Itm I geve to John Hayward her son one of my best bullocks syx sheype & my hossen at the taylers Itm I geve to lytle Henry Cook my lytle hefer bullock of thre yere owld Itm I geve to my cossen Wyllm Sherret thelder a cow bullock my owld coate my owld hossen my owld dublet & my owld jerkyn a busshell rye & foure busshells oats & to his wyffe a short throwd hatt & to his dowghter margerete my wyves thurd frock & to Wyllm & Agnes his chyldren eche of them thre sheype Itm I geve to Joyse Honer my mayde my worst mac?? & thre sheype also I geve to An Walden my mayde thre sheype Itm I geve to eche of my chyldren iijs Itm I geve & bequeath to Rychard Hayward my best mare a coat?leth & a jerkyn cloth of medley & a hose?eth of wgyght redy drest my best cloake & my bo?tts my hollydayse dublett & my jerkyn my capp & my hatt & all my shertts one acre of rye at harvest vi busshells rye redye thresshet xij busshells oats & halfe a Bter malt that lyeth a water four hens & a cocke Also I wyll that the sayde Richard Hayward shall have the ocupacion of my house & all my land for the terme of xij yere next after my dysseace paying suche resonable rent as shalbe thought good by my oversears & shalbe bounde to kepe maynteyne & encreace the jmps & aple trees that the do not decrese The resydew of all my goods & cattels moveable & unmoveable my detts & expences payed I geve and bequeathe to John my sun whom I ordeyne and make my full Executer to paye my detts & call for my & fullfyll my wyll acordyngly also I ordeyne & make Robart Honer & Gylbert Honer of Horsell & Rychard Hayward of Wokyng thoversears of this my psent testament & thy shall have for theyr labor & paynes takyng above theyr charges eche of them xs Also I wyll that my sayde oversears shall have the custodie & kepyng of my sonn & eyar wt all his goods & Effytts untyll he comes to his full age & then to make A true acount pvydyd allwayes & my wyll is that If my son & my daughter do both fayle before the comes to theyr full age whytche god defend then I wyll that Rychard Hayward shall have my house wt all my land for the terme of xx yersfre wtout anythyng payng for the same more then to his lord & kyng & kepe hyt tenantly to & after that xx yers be exspyred I geve my sayde house & all my land to Wyllm Sherret the sun of John Sherret & to his eyars for ever & then I wyll that the goods whytche I leve to my sun & my daughter shalbe devyded of the one halfe amongs my pore kynsfolk & thother among pore people of Wokyng so that my Wyves chyldren shalbe equall wt other at the dyscressyon of my oversears or there assyngners Wytnesses Willm Geylls Robt Honer Gylbart Honer Wyllm Sherret & John Atwood wt other men Ultimo die Menss Febrarii 1571 ... 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