In the name of God Amen the sixth day of April Anno Dni 1667 and in the nineteenth yeare of the reigne of King Charles the second I Joane Robbysonn of Woking in the Countie of Surr Widdow doe make & ordeyne this my last Will & Testament In manner & forme following (that is to say) First & principally I commend & bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty god my Creator & Redeemer hoping that by the reconciliation of Jesus Christ to be saved only And my Body to be buryed in such decent manner in the Churchyard of Woking as it shall my Executor hereafter named to appoint And as touching such temporall estate as the Lord of his mercy hath lent me my will is the same shalbe bestowed as hereafter is expressed Imp.s I give & bequeath unto Susan my Daughter one Featherbed wth the bedstedle sealings & furniture thereunto belonging standing in the Chamber ovr the Hall and also two paire of sheetes and halfe a dowzen of pewter dishes & one great Chest & one little Chest standing in the said Chamber and also one Iron Pott & one dripping pan and 1 flich of Bacon and also my wearing apparell of lynnen & woollen Rill whatsoever It I give unto my Son John the sum of viid, All the rest of my goods Chattells & debts not above given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my [sic] Richard my Son whom I make & ordeyne Sole Executor of this my last will & Testament And I doe nominate & appoint my two loving Friends Robert Emmett and Henry Collier Overseers of this my last Will & Testament In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand & Seale the day and yeare first above written. The mke + of Joane Robbysonn in the presence of us Robert Emmett Willm Frenche Probatum fuit ? Vicesimo Quinto die Maii Anno Dni 1668 ? DW/PA/5/1668/58