In the name of God Amen The Third day of March in the Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second &r And in the yeare of o.r Lord 1677 I Robert Tacka of Wokeing in the County of Surry Brewer being sicke and weake in body but of sound and pfect minde and memory (prayse be therefore given to Allmighty God) doe hereby make Ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing (that is to say) First & principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the meritts Death and passion of my Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to be saved onely And my body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Item whereas I have surrendered all that my coppyhold Messuage or tenem.t Brewhouse Maultmillhouse Barne & other outhouses & buildeings thereunto belongeing & alsoe the Garden & backside thereunto adjoyning with the app.tenance situate lyeing and being in Wokeing Towne in the pish of Wokeing aforesd in the said County of Surry now in myne owne occupacon To the use of my last will and Testament Now I doe hereby give will bequeath & devise the said Messuage or tenem.t Brewhouse Maultmillhouse Barne & all other the premises with the apptennc unto my Sister Mary Merest wife of John Merest Clerke & to her heires and assignes for ever Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Merrest the full sume of Fifty pounds of lawfull money of England imeadiately after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my brother John Tacka the full sume of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within six moneths next after my decease Item all the rest of my goods Chattells & debts not given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said Brother in Law John Morrest whom I make sole Executor of this my last Will & Testam.t to pay my debts Legacyes & funerall expences Provided always & my will and meaneing is that my said brother in law John Merrest & my said sister Mary Merrest & the heires & assignes of the said Mary shall well & truly pay or cause to be paid out of my said Messuage or tenem.t & all other the premises thereunto belongeing with the apptennce & out of all my said Goods Chattells & psonall Estate (after all my said debts Legacyes & funerall Expences shall be fully satisfyed & Discharged) unto my sister Anne Sherryer her Exec.s & assignes the full sume of Fifty shillings of Lawfull money of England yearely & every yeare for & dureing the naturall life of her husband William Sherryer And after his decease the full sume of fifty pounds of like lawfull money And I doe hereby recall revoke & make void all former wills by me made whatsoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the daye & yeare first above written Rob.t Tacka Signed Sealed Published and declared to be the last Will and Testam.t of the above named Robt Tacka in the pr.ce of; Kath: Atfeild David Allen The + mke of Joane Bedford Jo: Tichborne Probatum ... Nono die Mensis Martii Anno Dni millimo Sexcenmo Septuagesimo Septimo ... DW/PA/05/1678/44