In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Whitburn of Horsell in the County of Surry Yeoman being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First I commend my soul to the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping for a remission of all my Sins by the merits and mediation of my Saviour Jesus Christ and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named and as to all my worldly Estate both real and personal I give devise and bequeath the same as follows I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Sarah to and for her own use and benefit and to be at her own disposal all my household Goods and furniture plate Linen China earthen ware Liquors and other Goods of every sort and kind that shall be in and about my dwelling house at the time of my decease and also all my wearing apparel of every sort and kind And I give and bequeath unto the Poor of the parish of Horsell aforesaid the Sum of five pounds to be distributed to & amongst such of them in Bread and in such manner as my said loving Wife Sarah shall think proper within three months after my decease also I give and devise unto James Cobbett of Horsell aforesaid Farmer & his heirs all that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Heredits with their appurts commonly called or known by the name of Spuryers by whatsoever other name or names the same is called or known by situate lying and being in the Parish of Horsell aforesaid now in the Tenure or occupations of the said James Cobbett and Joseph Spooner or one of them their or one of their undertenants or assigns together with the Tithes thereof to have and to hold the same unto and to the use and behoof of the said James Cobbett his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the payment of the weekly Sum of five shillings out of the rents issues and profits thereof unto my Sister Ann Freeland Wife of John Freeland of Hersham near Walton in the County of Surry Labourer for and during the term of her natural life as hereinafter is mentioned also I give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Sarah and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life all that my freehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Heredits with their appurts situate lying and being at Woodham in the Parish of Chertsey in the said County of Surry now in the Possession or occupation of the Widow Paice her undertenants or assigns also all that my freehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Heredits with the appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of Spongs or by whatsoever other name the same is called or known situate lying and being in the Parish of Horsell aforesaid now in the several tenures or occupations of myself and the said James Cobbett also all that my freehold piece or parcel of Meadow Ground situate lying and being in the Common Mead called Walsom Mead in the Parish of Pirford in the said County of Surry now in the occupation of the said James Cobbett also all those my two Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Gardens and Piece or Parcel of Land with the appurts situate lying and being in the Parish of Horsell aforesaid which I purchased of Henry Roake and now in the several occupations of myself Charles Groot and Joseph Cannon and also all those Leasehold Lands and Hereditaments with the appurts situate lying and being in the Parish of Horsell aforesaid commonly called or known by the name of Deep Poll or by whatever other name the same is called or known now in the occupation of Richard Street and also all Tithes and Tenths to which I am intitled arising growing renewing or increasing out of or for or in respect of the said last mentioned freehold and Leasehold Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Tythes Heredits or any or either of them respectively and also all other my freehold and Leasehold Messuages Farms Lands Tenements tythes Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and wherever not hereinbefore disposed of wherein I have any devising or disposing power and all my estate right Title and Interest therein and thereto to have and to hold the said several last mentioned freehold and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tythes Heredits and all and singular other the premises with their several and respective appurtenances unto and to the use of my said Wife Sarah and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life provided always and my will is that my said Wife and her assigns shall and will during the term of her natural life maintain support uphold and keep all and every my said Messuages Barns Buildings and farms hereby devised to her as aforesaid in good and substantial repair accidental damage by fire Storms and Tempests always excepted and from and immediately after the decease of my said dear Wife Sarah I give devise and bequeath unto Sarah Chennell and Ann Chennell Nieces of my said Wife and Daughters of my said Wife's Sister Mary Christmas Widow all those my said two Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Gardens & Piece or Parcel of Land and the Tythes thereof with the appurtenances situate lying and being in the parish of Horsell aforesaid which I purchased of the said Henry Roake to hold the same unto the said Sarah Chennell and Ann Chennell for and during all the remainder of my term and Interest therein equally to be divided between them as Tenants in common and not as Joint Tenants and to their respective Executors Admors and Assigns to and for their own use and benefit and from and immediately after the decease of my said dear Wife Sarah I give devise and bequeath all and every my said freehold and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tythes Heredits and real Estate above mentioned with their several and respective rights members and appurts above given and devised to my said Wife for her life except the said Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Gardens Lands and Premises I have above given to the said Sarah Chennell and Ann Chennell unto and to the use of my Friends Samuel Mumford of Chobham in the County of Surry Yeoman and James Rogers of Chobham aforesaid Yeoman their heirs Executors Admors and Assigns according to the nature of the several tenures upon the trusts and for the Ends Intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed of and concerning the same that is to say Upon trust that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them or the heirs Executors or Admors of such Survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after the decease of my said dear Wife make sale and dispose of all the said freehold and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tythes Heredits and real Estate and Premises above devised to my said Wife for her life with their several and respective appurtenances as before excepted by public Auction or for the most money and best price and prices that can at the time of any such sale can be had or obtained for the same and unto any person or persons whomsoever who shall be willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof and do and shall stand and be possessed of and interested of and in the monies to arise and be produced by such Sale upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same and for facilitating the sale of the said freehold and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tythes Hereditaments and appurts hereby devised to be sold I do hereby express and declare my will and mind to be that the receipt and receipts of them the same James Mumford and James Rogers and the survivor of them and the heirs executors or admors of such survivor shall be a good and sufficient discharge and good and sufficient discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of all or any part of the said freehold and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Tythes Hereditaments and Premises hereby directed or authorized to be sold for his her or their purchase money or respective purchase moneys or for so much thereof as in such receipt or receipts shall be acknowledged or expressed to be received and that after such receipt or receipts given such purchaser or purchasers his her or their heirs Executors admors or assigns shall not be answerable or accountable for his her or their purchase money or respective purchase monies or any part thereof or for any loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof or any part thereof or be in any wise bound to see to the application thereof and as to for and concerning all the rest of residue and remainder of my Goods Stocks Funds monies Securities for money and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same be after and subject to the payment of my just debts Funeral and Testamentary Expences I give and bequeath the same unto my said dear Wife Sarah Whitburn and the said Samuel Mumford and James Rogers their Executors and admors upon trust that they my said Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and the Executors or admors of such Survivor do and shall call in receive and act in all such part and parts thereof as shall not consist of monies or Securities for money in the public Funds and do and shall make sale and dispose of all such part and parts thereof as shall not consist of monies or Securities for money in the public Funds and do and shall lay out and invest the monies so to be called received and got in from and to arise and be produced by the sale of my said personal Estate in the Joint Names of them my said Trustees or in the name or names of the survivors or survivor of them or of the Executors or admors of such Survivor in the purchase of Stock in some or one of the public Funds or upon other Government Securities at Interest of and in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as is called England and do and shall stand and be possessed and Interested of and in such Stocks Funds and Securities as aforesaid and the Dividends Interest and produce thereof upon the Trusts and for the Intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust that they my said trustees do and shall pay apply and dispose of the dividends Interest and annual proceeds of the said Stocks Funds and Securities as the same shall from time to time arise and be received by them him or her unto my said Dear Wife and her assigns or otherwise do and shall permit and suffer her and them to receive and take the same to and for her and their own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life as she shall be and continue my Widow and unmarried & from and immediately after her decease or her marrying again which shall first happen In trust for and for the benefit of my Nephews and Nieces Thomas Whitburn Frances Whitburn Ann Whitburn Sarah the wife of ____________ before marriage called Sarah Whitburn Elizabeth Whitburn and Catherine Whitburn children of my Brother John Whitburn John Freeland Mary Freeland Ann Freeland and Sarah Children of my said Sister Ann Freeland Mary the daughter of my late sister Mary Spong by Barton Spong her husband both deceased Martha Christmas Milley Christmas and Olive Christmas Children of my said dear Wife's said Sister Mary Christmas Widow and the said Sarah Chennell and Ann Chennell to be equally divided between or among them in sixteen equal shares and proportions and to be paid them respectively or their respective Executors or admors immediately after the decease of my said Wife or Marriage again which shall first happen provided always and it shall and may be lawful and it is my will that my said Trustees shall and may with the Consent and approbation of my said Wife signified by writing under her hand but not otherwise in the life time of my said Wife advance and pay unto any or either of my above named Legatees any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one hundred pounds each part of their respective Legacies or shares of my personal Estate above mentioned for their respective benefit and advancement in the world if they my said trustees shall think proper and as to for and concerning the monies to arise and be made from the sale of my said freehold and leasehold Messuages or Farms Lands Tenements Tythes Hereditaments and real Estate above directed to be sold my will is and I do hereby declare and direct that the said Samuel Mumford and James Rogers and the Survivor of them and the Heirs Executors and admors of such Survivor do and shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the same upon trust after deducting and paying thereout all Costs Charges and Expences attending such Sale and of the execution of the Trusts hereby in them reposed which I direct shall in the first place be fully paid and satisfied for and for the benefit of my said Nephews and Nieces Thomas Whitburn Frances Whitburn Ann Whitburn Sarah the wife of ____________ before marriage called Sarah Whitburn Elizabeth Whitburn and Catherine Whitburn children of my said Brother John Whitburn the said John Freeland Mary Freeland Ann Freeland and Sarah Children of my said Sister Ann Freeland Mary the daughter of my late sister Mary Spong Martha Christmas Milley Christmas and Olive Christmas Children of the said Mary Christmas Widow & the said Sarah Chennell and Ann Chennell to be equally divided between and amongst them being sixteen parts or shares and to be paid to them respectively or to their respective Executors or admors to and for their respective use and benefit and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Sister Ann Freeland for and during the term of her natural life one clear weekly Sum of five shillings of lawful British Money free and clear of and from all Taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or others the said weekly sum to be charged and chargeable on and Issuing and payable out of my said Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands Tythes and Premises at Horsell aforesaid called Spuryers and to be paid and payable by weekly payments if the said Ann Freeland shall require it to be so paid that is to say on Monday in every week the first payment to begin and be made on the Monday as shall next happen after my decease to and for her sole and separate use & benefit notwithstanding her Coverture and it is my will and desire that the said weekly Sum of Five shillings shall not be liable to the Debts Control or Engagements of her present Husband or of any other or future Husband but that the receipts and acquittances of my said Sister Ann Freeland without her said present or any other or future Husband shall be sufficient discharges for the payment of the said Weekly sum of Five shillings to all intents and purposes as if she was sole and unmarried and I do hereby subject and charge the said last mentioned Freehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands Tythes and Premises at Horsell aforesaid called Spuryers to and with the payment of the said weekly sum of five shillings accordingly and it is my will and desire that in case the said weekly sum of five shillings or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of my said Sister Ann Freeland be behind or unpaid by the space of seven days next over or after any or either of the days of payment whereon the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded and that then and so often it shall and may be lawful to & for my said Sister Ann Freeland and her assigns to enter upon Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands and Premises hereby charged with the said weekly sum or for so much thereof as shall be so in arrear and the distress and distresses then and there found to detain and keep until she shall be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears of the said weekly Sum of five shillings with the costs and charges in and about the making and keeping the said distress for the same and I do hereby declare my will and mind to be that my said dear Wife and the said Samuel Mumford and James Rogers and each and every of them and the heirs Exors Admors and assigns of them and each of them shall be charged and chargeable only for such monies as they shall respectively actually receive by virtue of this my will nor shall any one or more of them be answerable or accountable for the others of them but each and every of them for his her and their own acts Receipts neglects or Defaults only neither shall they or either of them or any of them be answerable or accountable for any Bank Banker Broker or other persons with whom or in whose hands any part of the said Trust monies shall or may be lodged or deposited for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of any of the aforesaid Trusts neither shall they my said Trustees or either or any of them be answerable or accountable for the insufficiency or deficiency of any Security or Securities Stocks or Funds in or upon which the said Trust Monies or any part thereof shall or may be placed or invested nor for any other loss misfortune or damage which may happen in the execution of any of the Trusts of this my will or in relation thereto unless the same shall happen by or their own respective wilful defaults respectively and also that they my said Trustees and Executors and each and every of them and the heirs Exors Admors and assigns of them and each and every of them shall and may with and out of such monies as shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the aforesaid Trusts retain to and reimburse himself herself and themselves respectively and also pay or allow to his and their cotrustees respectively all costs charges damages and expences which they or either or any of them shall or may suffer sustain expend disburse be at or be put unto in or about the execution of the trusts of this my Will or in relation thereto and I do hereby make ordain nominate constitute and appoint my said dear Wife Sarah Whitburn sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I the said Thomas Whitburn the Testator have to this my Will and Testament contained in six sheets of Paper set my hand at the bottom of each of the five preceding sheets and my hand and Seal to this sixth and last sheet this twenty fourth Day of November in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred & six _ Thomas Whitburn _ Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Whitburn the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses Joseph Pickstone _ Joseph Hockley _ Joseph Hockley Jun.r This will was proved at London the twenty ninth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eight before the Worshipful Thomas Edwards Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Sarah Whitburn widow the Relict of the deceased and the sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom admon was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to administer. Prob11/1478