xvj day of may In the name of god Amen Ao 1562 I Wilmm Mar of the prishe of Bisley in the Counte of Surrie yoman being sycke in body but in whole & perfett memory Do ordayne & make my last Will and Testament that is First I bequethe my soule to almighty god & my body to be buryed in the churche yard of Bisley Itm I gyve to the pore mens box vjd Itm I bequethe to my towe daughters Alis and margaret ether of them a cow to be delyvered to them wthin iiij yeares after my desesse Itm to ether of them towe yelves to go forward to them ymmedyatly Itm I will & bequethe to my said daughters Alis & margaret at the day of ther marryedge Fyve pound a pece good & lawfull money of England Itm to my said daughters tow coaffers Itm to yche of my god children a lambe Itm I do ordayne & make my wyffe Alis and John my Sone my full executors And John Goring and Barry Hedge my ovrseers and them to have for ther labor ijs a pece Itm my will is that if ether of my Daughters do deceasse or ever they come to be married that then the svivor or longer lyved to have the whole of this my be??ice Theis being wytnes John Gyllcherist John Goring John cobbet Barry Hedge John atfeld Wylm Waterer Wilm Bonsie My Theed Probat ... xv die mensis Octobris 1562 DW/PA/5/1562/38B