This is the last Will and Testament of me Alexander Robertson of Hoebridge Place Woking in the County of Surrey I desire that all my debts funeral and testamentary expences be paid I desire that all my obligations under my marriage settlement be discharged I give devise and bequeath unto Samuel Scott Esquire of Cavendish Square London James Newton Writer to the Signet Edinburgh and William Dockar of Broad Street Buildings London Gentleman their heirs executors administrators & assigns all my freehold and copyhold messuages lands tenements hereditaments and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever with their appurtenances except such estates as are vested in me in trust or by way of mortgage and also my goods chattels furniture effects money security for money debts bonds and personal estate of what nature or kind soever To hold the same upon the trusts and subject to the provisions and declarations hereinafter declared that is to say Upon trust that they the said Trustees & the Trustees for the time being of this my will do and shall call in sell and convert into money my aforesaid personal estate except such part as shall be invested in Cuban securities which shall remain so invested until paid off in due course and then receive the amounts and do and shall absolutely sell and dispose of my said freehold copyhold and real estates entirely altogether or in parcels by public auction or private contract to any person or persons for such price or prices as to my trustees shall seem reasonable and for facilitating such sale do and shall enter into and execute all contracts conveyances surrenders assurances acts and deeds And I declare that my said trustees do and shall stand possessed of the monies which shall come to their hands by virtue of this my Will Upon trust to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to provide for and pay all the legacies and annuities hereinafter bequeathed and other trust purposes as are hereinafter declared and I direct that the trustees of this my Will do lay out in their names the sum of fifteen thousand pounds of money in the three per cent consolidated annuities and pay and apply the whole or such part of the dividends thereof as they shall think necessary from time to time during the life of my daughter Margaret Turnbull Robertson for her support and benefit in aid of the income arising from her own property at such times & in such manner only as they in their uncontrolled discretion shall deem for her advantage she being of unsound mind and incapacitated from managing herself and her affairs and that the disposal and application thereof for her benefit shall be conclusive upon her and all other persons and it shall not be necessary to produce her receipt for the said dividends or any part thereof And I direct that the whole of the said dividends if unapplied for her use & the surplus if any so unapplied shall be reinvested in the said Three percent consolidated annuities and after the decease of my said daughter the stock and accumulated dividends shall then sink into the residue of my estate and be subject to the trusts concerning the same and I bequeath the same accordingly I direct that the trustees of this my will as soon as conveniently may be done to lay out and invest or set apart in their names upon the Mortgage security of Lands in England or Scotland both or either or in the three percent consolidated annuities the sum of twenty six thousand pounds and pay the interest or dividends thereof unto or permit the same to be received by Mrs Alice Robertson (the widow of my late brother the Rev.d James Maitland Robertson) and by his three daughters Alice Helen and Jane for their mutual and joint use maintainance and benefit and from and after the decease of the said Mrs Alice Robertson Widow pay the interest or dividends or permit the same to be received by the said Alice Helen and Jane equally share and share alike under the joint receipt of any two of them which receipt or receipts so signed shall be a good and sufficient discharge and on their death and on the death of either one of them the share of the deceased in the interest and dividends and what may be accruing due together with the proportion of capital upon which such share of interest and dividends are paid shall sink to all the trusts concerning the same and I bequeath the same accordingly but so that neither jointly nor individually they shall not have power to charge assigns or incumber the accruing payments thereof & I desire that the trustee or trustees to be appointed in the room of such as shall die or not act be first approved by two of my said deceased brothers children Andrew excepted I direct my trustees as soon as convenient and practicable to lay out and invest the sum of fifteen hundred pounds in the absolute purchase of a government annuity for the life of my nephew Andrew Robertson for his support and maintainance during his life I bequeath to my nephew John Robertson the sum of seven thousand pounds for the maintainance and support of himself and his family I direct my trustees to lay out in such securities as they and my niece Mrs Elizabeth Turnbull shall approve and I do expressly so that the interest thereof only shall be paid to the said Elizabeth Turnbull for her use during her life provided she continues a Widow and so that she shall not have power to anticipate charge sell assign or incumber the same or any part thereof & that the receipts of the said Elizabeth Turnbull for the interest shall be a good and sufficient discharge for the same to my trustees and from and after the marriage or decease of the said Elizabeth Turnbull whichever may happen first the securities stock and accruing interest therein shall then and thereafter sink into and form part of the residue of my estate and be subject to the trusts concerning the same I gibe and bequeath to each of my three nieces Alice Helen and Jane Robertson or such of them as shall be alive after my decease the sum of one thousand pounds stg absolutely to Alexander Chrystic of The Lodge Fifeshire five thousand pounds stg absolutely to the aforesaid William Dockar of Broad Street Buildings London Two thousand pounds Stg absolutely to Patrick Denchar R.N. of Edinburgh one thousand pounds absolutely to Miss Alice Jemima Turnbull daughter of my aforesaid niece One thousand pounds absolutely to her brother John William Turnbull Two thousand pounds Stg to Robertson Melville the son of John Melville one thousand pounds to Mrs Mary Edwards the daughter of the late William Tate five hundred pounds absolutely to Miss Josephine Dockar the daughter of the aforesaid William Dockar Two hundred pounds Stg for which his receipt shall be a good discharge all which legacies and bequests are to be paid free of Legacy duty and I direct my trustees to invest the sum of two thousand pounds Stg in such securities and in the names of such Trustees as shall be directed in writing by Charlotte Soley the daughter of the Rev.d Francis Laing of the Myth Tewkesbury notwithstanding her coverture to be held by such Trustees upon such Trusts for her sole and separate use and benefit independently of her present or any future husband and for the use and benefit of her child and children as she shall in writing direct and declare that the separate receipt of the said Charlotte Soley alone shall be a good discharge to my Trustees and after such investment my Trustees shall not be responsible for the principal or income or application thereof and after the payment of all the aforesaid Legacies and bequests and after the investment of the sums hereinbefore directed to be made I direct that my trustees do and shall so soon as practicable invest the rest residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and effects in the three pounds pcent Consolidated annuities and the dividends arising therefrom to be invested in the same security until my Grand nephew Alexander Robertson second son of my said nephew John Robertson shall have attained the age of twenty five years and my trustees shall then make over and transfer to the said Alexander Robertson the stock and accumulation so invested to be possessed by him absolutely and in the event of the said Alexander Robertson dying before he shall have attained the age of twenty five years then in his stead unto and for such other male issue of my said Nephew John Robertson born after the said Alexander Robertson on attaining the said age and if there be no such male issue living on the death of the said Alexander Robertson I direct that the said consolidated 3 Pcent annuities be sold and the proceeds of such sale and of my residuary estate be divided among the Grandchildren of my late Brother the Rev.d James Maitland Robertson share and share alike and I direct my Trustees to apply annually a reasonable sum out of the residuary consolidated 3 Pr cent annuities fund to educate and support the said Grandnephew Alexander Robertson and of any and every other male issue of my said Nephew John Robertson and I direct that the income arising from any portion of my real and personal estate remaining unsold or not converted into money shall be applied in the same manner as the income to arise from the investment of the proceeds of such sale as would have been applicable if the same had been actually then sold and I give and bequeath all estates vested in me upon trusts or by way of Mortgage to the said Samuel Scott Esquire James Newton W.S. and William Dockar their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof respectively upon and for the same trusts and purposes that the same were vested in me And I nominate and appoint the said Samuel Scott Esquire James Newton and William Dockar the Executors of this my Will And I give and bequeath unto each of my said Executors the sum of Five hundred pounds Stg free of Legacy duty Provided always and I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of the Trustees for the time being of this my will shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying from being accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof and from being bound to enquire into the necessity or propriety of any sale or disposition that may be made under or by virtue of this my will Provided always and I do hereby declare if the Trustees appointed in this my will or to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned or any or either of them shall happen to die or be desirous of being discharged from or refuse or decline or be incapable to act in the trusts hereby in such reposed it shall be obligatory upon and I do herby direct and empower the then surviving or continuing trustee or trustees by any writing to be by them sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by two witnesses from time to time to nominate and appoint a person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the stead or place of the trustee or trustees so dying or desiring to be discharged or refusing declining or becoming incapable to act subject nevertheless to approval as hereinbefore declared and I direct that the number of the trustees shall not in any way be allowed to be reduced below the number of two and all the said trust estates monies and premises shall be thereupon vested ion the person or persons so to be appointed as aforesaid either solely or jointly with the surviving or continuing trustees or trustee as occasion shall require and the person or persons so to be appointed shall have all the powers and authorities of the trustee or trustees in whose room he or they shall be substituted provided always and I further declare that the said several trustees & each and any of them shall be charged and chargeable only for such monies as they respectively shall actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in them reposed notwithstanding their or any of their giving or signing or joining in giving any receipt for the sake of conformity and any one or more of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others or for involuntary losses and also it shall and may be lawful for them with and out of the monies which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain to and reimburse themselves respectively and also to allow their respective cotrustees or cotrustee all costs charges damages and expenses which they or any of them shall or may suffer sustain expend disburse be at or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts and I do hereby revoke all former wills and Codicils by me at any time heretofore made and I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Alexander Robertson have to each sheet of this my last Will and Testament which is contained on six sheets of paper set and subscribed my hand this twenty first day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five Alex.r Robertson Signed by the said Alexander Robertson The Testator in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Cha.s Ritchie 38 Broad St. Buildings Accountant to Royal Santiago Mining Co. _ Jabella Brake House keeper to the Royal Santiago Mining Co. 38 Broad St. Buildings. Proved at London 29th of Jan.y 1857 before the Judge by the Oaths of Samuel Scott Esq.r James Newton and William Dockar Esq.r the Exors named to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn to wit the said Samuel Scott and William Dockar before the Worshipful Frederic Thomas Pratt Doctor of Laws and Surrogate & the said James Newton by Comon duly to administer. PCC Prob11/1859