I James Turner of Knap Hill in the parish of Woking in the County of Surry being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following first and principally I commend my Soul to our Lord Jesus Christ and my Body I desire may be interred at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and as to such worldly estate as I am now possessed of after my just debts and funeral expences are paid I give and dispose of as follows that is to say I give and bequeath my freehold house Garden ground and premises where I now live unto George Warner of the parish of Whitley in the said County of Surry Nurseryman and his heirs and assigns forever I further give and bequeath unto the aforesaid George Warner all that my Copyhold estate and premises called or known by the name of the paddocks & situate in the aforesaid parish of Woking for the term of his natural life he the said George Warner keeping the said copyhold Estate and premises in good and tenantable repair and to be at liberty to cut down such timber as may be necessary for that purpose and I further give unto the said George Warner all the stock and crop being and growing upon my said Copyhold estate at the time of my decease also I give and bequeath unto Sarah Smith my present housekeeper for the term of her natural life all that copyhold cottage and premises situate at Knaphill aforesaid and now in the occupation of William Bullen and I further give and bequeath unto the said Sarah Smith for and during the term of her natural life twenty pounds per annum which I shall hereinafter direct to be paid to her by my Executors and I further give and bequeath unto the aforesaid George Warner and Sarah Smith all my household furniture plate linen & wearing apparel to be equally divided share and share alike but my live and dead farming stock upon my said freehold estate where I now live I give and bequeath unto the said George Warner for his own use and benefit and from and after the decease of the said George Warner and also from and after the decease of the said Sarah Smith I give & bequeath the said copyhold estates in which they have respectively a life interest unto my niece Elizabeth Chandler and William Chandler her husband now of Bisley in ye said County of Surry Farmer for their joint lives they in like manner being chargeable with keeping the said copyhold estates & premises in good and sufficient repair I also give and bequeath unto my said niece Elizabeth Chandler and William Chandler aforesaid her husband all that copyhold cottage and premises thereunto belonging situate at Knap hill aforesaid and now in the occupation of Henry Chandler and also all that freehold copyhold estate farm & premises and freehold land thereunto attached called or known by the name of Stedmans situate in the said parish of Woking and now in the occupation of Samuel Freemantle for the term of their of their natural lives they and each of them respectively keeping the said estates and premises in good and sufficient repair and to be allowed to cut down such timber as may be necessary for that purpose also I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid George Warner and William Woods of the parish of Horsill Farmer and Brickmaker their executors heirs and assigns and the survivor of them as the case may be all that copyhold estate farm nursery Ground and premises and freehold land thereunto attached situate at Goldworth in the said parish of Woking and now in the occupation of Donald upon [trust] that is to say that they the said George Warner and William Woods their heirs executors & assigns do out of the rents and profits of the said estate and farm pay unto my housekeeper Sarah Smith hereinbefore named for the term of her natural life yearly and in every year the sum of twenty pounds in equal half yearly payments without any deduction or abatement whatsoever the first half yearly payment to be reckoned to become due to the said Sarah Smith the first Lady day or the first Michaelmas day next after my decease as the case may be and the rest and residue of the rents and profits arising from the said farm and estate I direct shall be paid by my said Executors unto my said niece Elizabeth Chandler and William Chandler aforesaid her husband or the survivor of them for the term of their natural lives and from and after the decease of my said niece Elizabeth Chandler and William Chandler her husband I direct that all my copyhold estates and freehold land thereunto attached be by my Executors as soon as conveniently may be be sold and disposed of by them either by public or private sale so as the best price be by them thereby obtained and the monies arising from such sale I give and bequeath unto the Children of my said niece Elizabeth Chandler of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten to be equally divided between them share and share alike and I hereby direct my Executors to pay to each of them the said Children as they shall attain the age of twenty one years his or her share thereof respectively and my mind and Will is that in case any of the said Children marry and have issue lawfully begotten and die before that attain the age of twenty one years or before such division of the said monies takes place that then such issue shall inherit their fathers or mothers shares of such monies share and share alike respectively and I further direct my said Executors that if any monies arising from such sale of my said estates or monies received by them for rent shall remain in their hands undisposed of that is in case any of the said Children shall not have attained the age of twenty one years that then my said Executors do and I hereby direct them to place such monies in the public funds and the interest arising therefrom be suffered to accumulate and when such interest shall amount to twenty five pounds or any other larger or higher sum that it is also placed in the same public funds and be divided along with the principal sum so invested as each Child attains the age of twenty one years I give & bequeath unto William Howard son of Henry Howard now living at Knap hill in the said parish of Woking fifty pounds I also give and bequeath unto John Howard son also of the aforesaid Henry Howard and now living in the parish of Horsell the like sum of Fifty pounds I also give and bequeath unto James Howard son also of the aforesaid Henry Howard and now living in the parish of Horsell the like sum of Fifty pounds & I direct my said Executors to pay to each of them the said William John & James the said sum of fifty pounds each immediately after my decease and as to the rest and residue of my personal estate of what soever kind or wheresoever it may be not hereinbefore disposed of by me in this my last Will & testament I give and bequeath unto my said niece Elizabeth Chandler Wife of the said William Chandler of Bisley aforesaid and I do hereby constitute and appoint the aforesaid George Warner and William Woods Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made I do publish and declare this as my last Will and Testament and my Will is that each of my Executors shall each of them be answerable for their own separate acts and receipts respectively only and not the one for the acts or receipts of the other of them In Witness whereof I the said James Turner have to this my last Will & Testament contained in two sheets of paper to both of which I have set my hand and at the bottom of this page my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three Thomas [sic - presumably 'James' in the original] Turner Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as Witnesses thereof William Hall Knaphill Nurseryman _ James Chandler Knaphill _ William Aulkbrook Knaphill farmer Proved at London 14th March 1825 before the Worshipful John Danbury Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of George Warner and William Woods the Executor to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to adm.r. PCC Prob11/1697