This is the last Will and Testament of me John Walter Esq.r of Woking in the County of Surry First I revoke all former wills by me made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament and I doe appoint my Eldest Son Abell Walter sole Executor thereof and his Mother my Dear and loving Wife Sole Guardian to my younger children and I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Abell and his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns all my Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland of Barbadees And also all my Personal Estate of what nature or kind soever (except as hereinafter) In Trust to sell and dispose of the same and apply the money ariseing by sale thereof in the First place to the payment of my Funeral charges and all my Just Debts and afterwards for other purposes hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) In Trust that they my said Executor his Executors or Administrators Do and shall put out to Interest soe much of the moneys as shall be raised by sale of my said Estates as shall be sufficient for the raising and paying the clear yearly sume of Four hundred pounds for the support and maintenance of my dear and loving wife for her Life and which I direct and appoint to be paid her by Four equal quarterly payments in full satisfaction and discharge of what is already settled upon her in Jointure and of such Dower and Thirds as she might otherwise be Intitled unto The first payment whereof to be made and paid to her upon the First and most usuall Feast day or day of Payment in the year next after my decease and in the meantime and until such moneys shall be raised and put out to Interest as aforesaid the said annuity to be paid in manner aforesaid out of the Rent Issues and Profits of my son's several Estates But I do nevertheless give devise and bequeath unto my said dear and loving Wife and her heirs and assigns for ever All that my Maulton house at Hoebridge together with everything else by me purchased of James Field Esq.r deceased and Richard Bird and Catherine his Wife Together also with all my household Goods Jewells Plate Linnen and Furniture at my decease except my pictures which I direct should be sold and I do furthermore give and bequeath unto my said Wife her paraphernalia together with either my Coach or Pharriott which she shall choose and a pair of by best Horses and one hundred Guineas to buy her mourning Also I give Devise and bequeath to my Son Henry Walter and his Heirs and Assigns for ever the moiety of my Lands purchased in Granvill County in So. Carolina from Captain Douglas with Twenty Negroe Slaves now on the same and also one Thousand acres of Land which I hold by Grant from the Crown being part of the Baroney lying at Lays Creek in Granvill County in South Carolina Also I give and devise and bequeath unto my Son William Walton and his Heirs and assignes for ever the other Moiety of the Lands purchased from Capt. Douglas and Twenty Negroe Slaves now on the same and also one Thousand acres of Land which I hold by Grant from the Crown being part of the Barony and Twelve hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling Also I give devise and bequeath unto my sons James Walter Alleyne Walter and Meynell Walter respectively and to their heirs and assignes for ever Two Thousand acres of Land each lying in Granville County South Carolina part of the Barony granted me by the Crown and to each of them I give two Thousand Pounds Sterling to Stock the said Two Thousand acres of Land with with [sic] Slaves and Cattle and I request my sons Henry and William to assist my said Sons in Stocking their Estates also I give and bequeath to my two Daughters Lucy and Mary the sume of Two Thousand pounds Sterling each to be paid them at the ages of Eighteen Years and till their Legacies become due and payable I appoint my Executor to put out the same to Interest for their maintenance and education of my said Daughters I also order my Executor to vest One Thousand Acres of Land part of my Barony aforesaid (In Trustees) with Twenty Negroes which they are to manage for my son John Walter during his natural Life so that he may be incapable of running the same into debt and after his death to his Son if he leaves any other wife to return to my Child or Children that shall be settled in South Carolina and to no other intents and purposes whatsoever Also I give devise and bequeath unto my son Richard Walter who has already received a fine Fortune from me and to his heirs and assignes for ever One Thousand Acres of Land part of the aforesaid Baroney and five hundred Pounds Sterling to Stock the same Also I give devise and bequeath to my Grandson John Walter son of Abell Walter Esq.r and to his heirs and assigns for ever All my Lands in Goose Creek in South Carolina called or known by the name of Red Bank and all the remainder of my Baroney being Two Thousand Acres also I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Dottin Five hundred pounds to be vested in Trustees for her separate use Also I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Lucy Walter five hundred pounds Sterling (over and above what I have already given her by this my last Will) to be paid her at the age of Twenty one years Whereas I have given my son Henry Walter by this my last Will the moiety of my Lands purchased of Captain Douglas with Twenty Negroe Slaves thereon and one Thousand acres of Land part of my Baroney If the said Henry Walter should not settle in South Carolina in four years from the date hereof In that case I declare the said bequest utterly void and I give devise and bequeath unto my said son Henry Walter in Lieu thereof the sume of Fifteen hundred pounds Barbadoes Currency to be paid by Mr William Walter (in Barbados) and Twelve hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling to be paid by my Executor If the Fifteen hundred pounds Barbados money should be paid him in my life time then and in that case the bequest of Fifteen hundred pounds (by Mr William Walter) as above to be utterly void and of no stock and the moiety of Douglasses Land (in that case) I give to my Son William in Lieu of the Thousand acres part of the Baroney already left him And I give devise and bequeath the Two thousand acres taken from my son Henry and William to my younger sons James Alleyne and Meynell and their Heirs for ever to be equally divided And whereas I may have at my death upwards of one hundred Negroes on my Lands in Carolina I would have them valued and put on the Lands of James Alleyne and Meynell in equall numbers and the value deducted out of the Moneys already left them I give devise and bequeath to my Grandson John Walter Two Thousand Pounds to Stock the Lands I have left him I give devise and bequeath to my Servant Porter Twenty pounds and to all my servants that live with me at the time of my death five pounds to be paid them in six months after my decease In Witness whereof I the said John Walter have to this my last Will contained in two sheets of Paper and all of the Handwriting of me the said John Walter and each sheet in the Mark out Signed with my name and Sealed with my Seal set my hand and seal this thirtieth day of December 1734 _ John Walter _ Signed & Sealed (in the red plates) published and declared by the said John Walter as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereunto in his presence _ Tho: Bund, E Alleyne, Benj: Maynard. Whereas by my last Will and Testament dated the Thirtieth day of December One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty four I devised and bequeathed to my son Henry Walter the moiety of the Lands in South Carolina which I purchased of Captain Douglas and one Thousand acres of Land part of my Barony in the said Province and made no provision for my said son in case he should settle in South Carolina I do therefore bequeath to my said son Henry Walter in case he shall settle there within the time limited by my said Will the sume of Twelve hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling money to be raised in manner aforesaid and direct that he shall receive Interest for the same at the rate of four per Cent till the said Sume shall be raised and I further declare and direct that my sons Richard Walter and William Walter and my daughter Elizabeth Dottin Lucy Walter and Mary Walter shall have the like Interest till their portions are paid and the same Interest my son Henry Walter shall receive in case he does not settle in South Carolina and the Interest which shall grow due to my daughter Elizabeth Dottin shall be paid to her for her own separate use and her receipt shall be a sufficient discharge to her Trustees or my Executors But I hereby appoint and direct that my sons James Walter Alleyne Walter and Meynell Walter shall receive no more than Forty pounds a year a piece for their maintenance till their respective age of Eighteen years and from thence the sume of four per Cent for their Fortunes that shall be due to them in case the same be not paid to them at their respective ages of Twenty one years and I devise and direct that my Grandson John Walter shall receive for the Legacy I have given him four per Cent till the sume be paid to him all the rest and residue of my estate whatsoever not otherwise hereby disposed of I give and bequeath unto my son Abel Walter his Heirs Executors and Administrators In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of March One Thousand seven hundred and thirty five _ John Walter _ Sign'd Sealed published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of John Walter Esquire in the presence of us who subscribed the same and sign'd by us in the presence of the said Testator _ Tho: Bund, E Alleyne, Benj: Maynard. I appoint my son Abel Walter the Trustee for the money devised by me to my son John Walter and to my daughter Elizabeth Dottin and I do hereby direct and appoint that in case any of my younger Children shall dye before their portions devised by me to them become payable that in such case the portion so devised by me shall go and be dystributed equally share and share alike among the survivors or survivor of my younger Children only _ John Walter _ Sign'd in the presence of the Testator _ Tho: Bund, E Alleyne, Benj: Maynard. This Will was Proved at London with a Codicil annexed the fifth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred thirty six before the Worshipfull George Lee Doctor of Laws & Surrogate to the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oath of Abel Walter Esq.r the son and sole Executor named in the said Will To whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased being first sworn duly to administer. Prob11/677