This is the last Will and Testament of me John Rapley of Woking in the County of Surrey Labourer I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my Wife all and singular my Freehold Estate messuage or tenement by freely to be possessed & enjoyed together with all my household goods debts & moveable effects also a legacy yet unpaid left me by my Father I hereby appoint the same to be paid to her And I request that my debts may be paid by her so far as my property will allow and I hereby nominate & appoint the said Elizabeth my Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament dated the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred & sixteen. John Rapley _ Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in presence of us who in his presence at her request & in the presence of each other hereto set our names as Witness to the due execution thereof Witness Mich.l Waterer _ James Rapley _ Isaac Waterer. Proved at London 30th June 1826 before the Worshipful John Danberry Dr of Laws & Surr.e by the Oath of Elizabeth Rapley Widow the Relict the sole the Executrix to whom admon was granted being sworn duly to adm.r. Prob11/1713