This is the last Will and Testament of me Edmund Vincent of Moor Lane in the parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Yeoman as follows First subject and charge and make subject and chargeable all and every my real and personal Estates except my Farm and Lands called Moor Lane Farm hereinafter specifically devised to my Wife Elizabeth Vincent daughter of Patience Stevens widow to and with the payment of all and singular my just debts whether the same be due or secured on mortgage Bond Note simple contract or other wise and the Interest thereof together with my Funeral Expences the Expences of proving this my will and the several legacies hereinafter bequeathed also I give and devise unto my said Wife Elizabeth Vincent free and discharged from all mortgages and incumbrances whatsoever all my Messuages or Tenements buildings Farm lands and hereditaments now in the possession or occupation of myself or my Tenants usually called or known by the name of Moor Lane Farm containing by estimation sixty Eight acres be the same more or less situate lying and being in the parish of Wokeing aforesaid or elsewhere with their and ever of their Rights Members and appurtenances together also with the Great or Rectorial Tithes of the said Farm and Lands to hold the same and every part thereof respectively freed and discharged from all mortgages and incumbrances as aforesaid unto and to the use of the said Elizabeth Vincent her heirs and assigns for ever all the rest and residue of my Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold Messuages Buildings Farms Lands tenements Tithes hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever with their and every of their Rights members and appurtenances of or to which I am now seized or entitled in possession reversion remainder Expectancy or otherwise howsoever I give devise and bequeath unto my Friends James Stevens of Crastock in the Parish of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman and William Fladgate of the parish of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman their heirs Executors and admors to hold the same and every part thereof respectively unto and to the use of them the said James Stevens and William Fladgate their heirs executors and admors according to the tenure and quality thereof and my Estate and interest therein respectively upon trust that they or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs executors or admors of such survivor do and shall as soon as conveniently may be after my death sell and absolutely dispose of the same together or in parcels by public auction or private contract as to them or him shall seem expedient for the best price or prices in money that can or may be reasonably had or obtained for the same and do and shall for that purpose make & execute all such deeds conveyances assignments surrenders and assurances as may be necessary for carrying such sales into complete effect and upon payment of the purchase Monies it shall be lawful for the said James Stevens and William Fladgate and the survivor of them and the heirs executors or admors of such survivor to give and sign proper receipts for the same which receipts shall be good and sufficient discharges to the purchaser or purchasers his her or their respective heirs executors and admors for such or such part of the said purchase Monies as in such receipts shall be expressed to be received and such purchaser or purchasers his her or their respective heirs executors and admors shall not b afterwards be obliged to see to the application of the Purchase monies or be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof and as to the Monies to arise from such sale or sales as aforesaid my will and meaning is that the same shall be deemed and considered as part of the residue of my personal estate hereinafter bequeathed and that the clear yearly rents and profits of the said trust estates in the meantime and until the same shall be sold or so much thereof as shall be remaining unsold shall be deemed to be part of the annual income of the residue of my said Personal Estate and that the same purchase monies and Rents and Profits shall be subject to the dispositions hereinafter made concerning the residue of my said Personal Estate and the Annual income thereof respectively also I give and bequeath unto my said wife Elizabeth Vincent all and every my household Goods and Furniture of every sort and kind Liquors Plate Linen China Books and Pictures to and for her own use and benefit absolutely and all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same may be which I may be possessed of or entitled to at the time of my decease I give and bequeath unto the said James Vincent and William Fladgate and to the survivor of them and the heirs executors or admors of such survivor to for and upon the several trusts intents and purposes and under and subject to the provisoes and declarations hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust that they the said James Vincent and William Fladgate and the survivor of them and the heirs executors or admors of such survivor do and shall with all convenient Speed after my decease sell and dispose of and convert the whole of my said personal Estate and Effects into ready money and thereout in the first Place pay off satisfy and discharge all and every my just Debts whether the same be secured or due or mortgage Bond Note or otherwise or in the nature of Simple Contract and all arrears of Interest thereon respectively together with my Funeral Expences and the Expences of proving this my Will and all costs charges and expences necessarily incident to or to be incurred in the Sale and conversion of my said real and Personal Estates respectively and from and after full payment and satisfaction thereof upon trust by and out of the Monies to arise from the residue of my said Personal Estate to pay unto my said Wife Elizabeth Vincent the sum of Five hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain which I hereby give and bequeath and direct to be paid to her accordingly and as to the residue of the Monies to arise by the means aforesaid upon trust that they the said James Vincent and William Fladgate and the survivor of them and the heirs executors or admors of such survivor do and shall place out and invest the same in or upon any of the Parliamentary Stocks or Funds of Great Britain or on real Security or Securities in England at Interest and do and shall vary alter or transpose such Stocks Funds or Securities for others of the like nature when and so often as it may be thought expedient and do and shall pay and apply to or otherwise permit and suffer my said Wife Elizabeth Vincent and her assigns to receive and take the dividends Interest & Annual produce of the said Stocks Funds and securities from time to time as the same shall become due and payable for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease upon trust by and out of the principal Monies so directed to be invested as aforesaid to pay to Richard Watts Stevens a Son of Peter Stevens now or late of Wokeing aforesaid Butcher in case he shall then have attained the age of twenty one years or on his attaining that age if he shall live so long but not otherwise the sum of four hundred pounds of like lawful money which I hereby give and bequeath and direct to be paid to him accordingly and subject to the payment of the said Legacy upon trust to pay and apply to or otherwise Permit and suffer my Brother Thomas Vincent in case he shall survive my said Wife and his assigns to have receive and take the dividends interest and Annual Produce of the residue of my said Personal Estate hereinbefore directed to be invested from time to time as the same shall become due for and during his natural life & from and after the decease of the survivor of them the said Elizabeth Vincent and Thomas Vincent upon trust to pay and apply all the residue of my said personal Estate and the Principal Monies arising therefrom or assign or transfer the Stocks Funds or Securities in or upon which the same may be then invested unto all and every the Children of the said Thomas Vincent lawfully begotten or to be begotten equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike and if there shall be but one such Child the whole to be paid or transferred to such only Child the shares or shares of such of them as shall be a Son or Sons to become vested in him or them respectively on the attainment of his or their age or respective ages of twenty one years and the shares or shares of such of them as shall be a daughter or daughters to become vested in her or them respectively on the attainment of her or their age or respective ages of twenty one years or on the day or respective days of her or their marriage which shall first happen but as to such of the said Children as shall arrive at or attain such age or ages time or times as aforesaid during the lives of my said Wife and Brother or the life time of the survivor the Payment or transfer of his her or their share or shares to be postponed till after the decease of such survivor provided always and I hereby declare my will and meaning to be that if any such Child or Children being a Son or Son shall depart this life before he or they shall attain his or their respective ages of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall happen to die she or they shall attain her or their respective ages of twenty one years or be married then the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall go and accrue to the survivors or survivor or others or other of such Children and be equally divided amongst them if more than one share and share alike and the same shall become vested and payable or transferable as such ages days and times as his her and their original share or shares are hereby directed to become vested and payable or transferable as aforesaid and in case of the death of any other of the Children of the said Thomas Vincent before such accruing or surviving share or shares shall become vested as aforesaid then every such accruing or surviving part or share shall again be subject and liable to such right chance contingency or condition of accrual to and amongst the survivors or survivor and others or other of the said Children as hereinbefore is provided touching the said Original share or shares and upon further trust after the decease of the survivor of my said wife and Brother to pay and apply the Dividends and Interest or a competent Part of the Dividends and Interest of the share or shares of such of the said Children as hall not have acquired a vested interest therein for or towards his her or their maintenance and education respectively until such share or shares shall respectively become payable or transferable by virtue of the trusts aforesaid provided always and I hereby declare my will and intention further to be that if my said wife Elizabeth Vincent shall at my decease be desirous of carrying on and conducting the farming business for her own benefit in and upon the said Farm and Lands called Moor Lane Farm hereinbefore specifically given and devised to her they my said trustees or the survivor of them do and shall after making a fair and just appraisement & valuation of all the Farming Stock and utensils in husbandry then used and employed and being upon the said Farm and Lands and taking the Bond of my said wife in a sufficient penalty for the payment by her her heirs executors or admors to them my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or admors of the amount of such valuation either at her decease or her relinquishment of the said Farming Business which shall first happen permit my said wife to exercise and carry on for her benefit as aforesaid the said Farming Business for so long a time as she in her discretion may think proper and I nominate and appoint the said James Stevens and William Fladgate Executors of this my Will and do hereby declare that they my said trustees & Executors and their respective Heirs Executors and admors shall be charged and chargeable only for such monies as they shall respectively actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in them reposed and that they or any of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any banker broker or other person with whom or in whose hands any part of the said trust monies shall or may be deposited or lodged for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of the trusts hereinbefore ment.d and that they or any of them shall not be answerable for insufficiency or deficiency in Title or value of any security or Securities Stocks or funds in or upon which the said trust Monies or any part thereof shall be placed out or invested or for any other losses which may happen to the aforesaid trust monies except the same shall happen by or thro their own wilful default respectively and that the one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them or for the acts deeds receipts neglects or defaults of the other or others of them notwithstanding they or either of them shall join in any receipt for Conformity but each of them for the acts deeds receipts neglects and defaults of himself only and also that they the said James Stevens and William Fladgate and the survivor of them and the heirs executors and admors of such survivor shall and may by and out of the Monies which may come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid retain to and reimburse themselves respectively all costs charges damages and Expences which they may respectively expend disburse suffer or be put unto in the Execution and defence of the trusts hereby in them reposed or in anywise relative thereto In Testimony whereof I to this my last Will and testament contained on five sheets of paper to the first four sheets thereout set my name and to this last sheet my name and Seal this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Edmund Vincent Signed sealed published and declared by the said Edmund Vincent the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Henry Woods B Woods John Sibthorp This is a Codicil to be added to and taken as part of the last Will and testament of me Edmund Vincent of Moor Lane in the parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Yeoman bearing even date herewith as follows whereas I have by my said Will directed my trustees therein to pay to Richard Watts Stevens a Legatee named in my said will the sum of four hundred pounds on his attainment of the age of twenty one years Now my will and meaning is and I hereby direct that in case the said Richard Watts Stevens shall survive my said Wife & shall not at her decease have attained the age of twenty one years then the sum of two hundred pounds part of the said Legacy of four hundred pounds shall be paid to the said Richard Watts Stevens immediately after my said wifes decease and the residue thereof on the attainment of the said age of twenty one years to and for his own use and benefit In Testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Edmund Vincent Signed sealed published and declared by the said Edmund Vincent the Testator as a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Henry Woods B Woods John Sibthorp This is a second Codicil to be added to and taken as part of the last Will and testament of me Edmund Vincent of Moor Lane in the parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Yeoman bearing even date herewith as follows Whereas I have in and by my said will amongst other things given devised and bequeathed to my Friends James Stevens of Crastock in the Parish of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman and William Fladgate of the parish of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman all the rest and residue of my Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold messuages Buildings Farms Lands Tenements Tithes hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances of or to which I was then seized or entitled in possession reversion remainder Expectancy or otherwise howsoever to hold the same unto and to the use of the said James Stevens and William Fladgate their heirs Executors and Admors according to the Tenure and quality thereof and my Estate and Interest therein respectively upon and to such trusts intents and purposes and subject to the provisoes and declarations as are therein expressed and declared of and concerning the same and I have by my said Will also given and bequeathed unto the said James Stevens and William Fladgate and to the survivor of them and to the Executors and Admors of such survivor all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kindsoever the same may be which I may be possessed of or entitled to at the time of my decease upon and for such trusts intents and purposes and subject to the provisoes and declarations as are therein also expressed and declared of and concerning the same and I have by my said Will also nominated and appointed the said James Stevens and William Fladgate Executors thereof Now I by this present Codicil to my said will and which I desire may be considered and taken as part thereof wholly annul revoke and make void the devise bequest and disposition or devises bequests and dispositions therein contained to the said James Stevens and William Fladgate their heirs executors and admors respectively of all the rest and residue of my said real and Personal Estates respectively and also their appointment of Executors to my said will as aforesaid and for the purpose of carrying my said Will into full Effect with the alteration only of my said trustees and Executors I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto Henry Woods of Godalming in the said County of Surrey Gentleman Thomas Stevens and the said William Fladgate both of the parish of Woking aforesaid yeomen all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever to hold the same respectively to them the said Henry Woods Thomas Stevens and William Fladgate their heirs executors and admors according to the Tenure and character thereof respectively upon for and subject to such trusts intents and purposes provisoes and declarations and with like powers & authorities in every respect manner and form as in and by my said will are particularly expressed and set forth and I nominate and appoint the said Henry Woods Thomas Stevens and William Fladgate Executors of my said will fully intending and hereby declaring that the same shall in every respect be and remain of full force and Effect and except as to such part thereof which I have by this and my first Codicil annulled altered or made void and I ratify and confirm the same will accordingly and the said first Codicil In Testimony whereof I have to this my Codicil contained on two sheets of paper set my hand and seal to wit my hand to the first sheet and my hand and seal to this second and last sheet the fourth day of October one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Edmund Vincent Signed sealed published and declared by the said Edmund Vincent the Testator for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto the above interlineation having been first made. Benj.n Tier _ Tho.s Sanders _ Rob.t Weale Proved at London with two Codicils 5th August 1819 before the Judge by the Oaths of Henry Woods Thomas Stevens and William Fladgate the Executors named in the second Codicil to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to Adm.r.