The last Will of Mary White Widow of the Hermitage in the Parish of Woking Surry I give to each of the Persons who now receive a small Annuity from me which is paid by my Bankers a sufficient further sum to make up twenty Pounds to each yearly for their lives to be paid quarterly as usual The Annual Guinea to the Bible Society and two pounds to the Society for the relief of Persons Imprisoned for small debts I give to Josh: Eaton lately having an employment in the Tower of London an Annuity of forty pounds a year for his life to be paid quarterly a Legacy of thirty pounds to each of his daughters I give to the Children of each of them a Legacy of fifty Pounds to be employed towards settling them in some way of earning their living either in Apprenticing them or otherwise as may be considered best for them by their friends but not to be received till that time the same sum to each of the children of the deceased daughter of the said Joseph Eaton of the name of Balmore to be disposed of in the same manner as above To my friend Mrs Pare Wife of Mr Gear Pare an Annuity of fifty pounds during the life of her Husband for her own use and her receipt to be sufficient for the payment to William Mofield Esquire a Legacy of a hundred pounds To my Housekeeper Patience Voller an Annuity of twenty pounds for her kind attention in things the same sum to Edw.d Alexander my Gardener for their lives to all other servants living with me at the time of my decease a Legacy of twenty Pounds The Hermitage and every thing appertaining to it I give to George White of Ashton in the County of Derbyshire & John White of Basford in the County of Nottingham all the rest of my Property not disposed of as above I give to my dear Brother and Sister and appoint my dear Brother my Executor. Mary White Hermitage Dec.r ye 13th 1816. Appeared Personally Mary Anne Pare of Somerset Street Portman Square in the County of Middlesex Spinster and Major General John Pare of the same Place and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists to depose the truth made Oath that they knew and were well acquainted with Mary White late of the Hermitage in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surry Widow deceased for some time before and up to the time of her death also with her manner and character of handwriting and subscription having often seen her write and subscribe her name and having now carefully viewed and perused the Paper writing hereunto annexed Purporting to be and contain the last Will and Testament of Mary White Widow of the Hermitage in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surry ending thus "all the rest of my Property not disposed of as above I give to my dear Brother and Sister and appoint my dear Brother my Executor" and thus subscribed "Mary White" they severally say that they verily and in their conscience believe the whole body series and contents of the Paper Writing beginning ending and subscribed aforesaid and also the subscription thereto to be all of the proper hand writing and subscription of the said Mary White deceased Mary Anne Pare _ J Pare _ On the fifth day of May 1817 the said Mary Anne Pare and Major General John Pare were duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit before me. R H Cresswell Surr.te _ Robt Isherwood Not Pub. Proved at London 7th May 1817 before the Worshipful Richard Henry Cresswell Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of William Chamberlaine Esquire the Brother and sole Executor to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn duly to Administer.