In the Name of God Amen. The eighteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1639. I William Trigg of Sutton in the parish of Woking in the County of Surrey Carpenter being sicke and weake of body but of good and perfect Remembrance Thanks be therefore rendered to Almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeathe my Soule to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my body to be buried in the Church yard of Woking Item I give to the Reparacons of our Church ijs vid Item I give to the poore of our parish five shillings to be given at the discretion of my Overseers Item I give to my sonne John Trigg fifty pounds to be paide at the Age of twenty and foure yeares by my Executor and one feather bed and one Feather Bolster and Coverlet twoe Blankets and one Bedstead and my brasse pott Item I give to Joane my daughter thirty pounds to be payed at the Age of foure and twenty yeares by my Executor out of my freehold lands Item I give to Jone my daughter one flocke Bedd and Bedstead with all thereto belonging Item the biggest Kettle and my brassen possett Item I give to my sonne John Trigg one plaine Chest and a furr Box in the Chamber over the Hall Item I give to my daughter Joane the biggest Chest and one plaine Box Item I give all my pewter to be equally divided amongst my three Children by my Overseers I doe give and bequeathe to Henry Trigg my sonne whome I make and ordeine to be full sole Executor of all my Goods not bequeathed paieing my Debts and Legacies and funerall Charges All theis my Debts and legacies to be paied out of my freehold Lands Alsoe I appoint Henry Trigg Richard Trigg John Bristowe to be my Overseers of this my last Will and Testament And I give to every one of them for theire paines three shillings foure pence a peece Moreover I ordeine and appoint my Overseers to take up the Rents of the Lands of my Executor till hee is the age of one and twenty yeares to releive and place my rest of my Children And then to make account to him in the presence and Witnesse of so Henrye Trigg Richard Trigg John Bristowe. / William Trigg. / This will was proved at Westminster the Sixth of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty foure before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting of Administrations lawfully authorized by the Oathe of Henry Trigg sole Executor named in the said Will to whome the Administration was Comitted of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Debts of the said deceased hee being first sworne well and trulye to administer the same.