In the Name of God Amen The Twenty Fowerth day of December 1678 I Cicily Weston being sick in body but of perfect sense and memory Thanks be to Almighty God doe make This my last Will and Testament That is to say I give and bequeath unto my brother John Weston Esquire of Sutton in the Parish of Woking in the County of Surrey all my moneyes and Goods of what Condicon soever they be He the said John Weston Esquire paying all my legacyes and Debts That is I owe to Mrs Mary Beamont Fyfteene Pounds of principall money The interest of which money comes to Forty Fyve shillings on the Twenty Fowerth day of May next ensuing which shall be in the yeare of our Lord God 1679 Item I owe to Mr William Encas as I remember under Fower Pounds Item I owe to Mr Stephen Walpole the Apothecary in Holborne a debt of under Fower Pounds Item I give to my Cosen Bishop my necklace of Pearle and a silver picture Item I give to my brother Thomas Weston and his wife Fyve Pounds partly debt and partly Legacy Item I give to all my owne brothers and sisters Twenty shillings a piece Item I give to my sister Frances Weston all my Rings Item I give to my sister Monson my lockett sett in Gold and my gold Bodkin Item I promised to Mrs Copley my best Handkercheife if shee outlyved mee Item I give to Mr Roger Copley Mr Richard Weston and his wife and to Mrs Anne Weston Twenty shillings a piece Item I give to Mr John Weston and Mrs Mary Weston his sister Tenn shillings a piece Item I give to my sister Weston my Diamond Pendante Item I give to Thomas Brinley and his wife twenty shillings a peece Item I give to the servants of the house where I dye Fyve shillings or Two shillings Six Pence a peece as my Brother Weston shall think fitt Item I give to my Cosen Anne Weston all my Bookes of Receipts In the Box in the Closett there is severall Papers pind up in a Paper that belongs to my brother Thomas Weston I revoke all Wills by me formerly made and this is my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Cicily Weston Signed and sealed in the presence of us John Bries The mark of Edward Farley The mark of Thomas Fuller the yonger. Decimo die Mensis Januarii Anno Dni (stilo Anglia) [no year given] ...