In the Name of God Amen I Samuel Wrightson of Woking in the County of Surry Gent.m do make this my last Will and Testament I resign my Soul into the hands of my Creator in humble hope of its future happiness as in the disposal of a Being infinitely Merciful and Good As to my Body my will is that it be buried in the nearest Parish Church to the place wherever I may die without any parade or idle show and that a Stone be placed over me with my name age and date of my death only engraved thereon I hereby appoint my dear Wife together with my much valued Friends John Thomas Thorp Alderman of the Ward of Aldgate London and Alfred Thorp Esquire of Aldgate and Walthamstow the survivor or survivors of them Executrix and Executors of this my last Will and Testament After all my just debts are paid as also my Funeral and Testamentary Expences I give to my dear Wife the Freehold House with the Garden Ground belonging to the same which we now occupy together with all the Furniture Plate Plated Articles Linen China Glass and Earthenware Books Paintings Drawings and Prints Also the Copyhold Estate formerly the Crown Inn in Woking with three Acres of Meadow Land adjoining which I bought of John Long Also all Monies and Securities for Money due to me from various Persons as my Cash Book will show All the Rest an Residue of my property I give to my dear Wife for her use during her life At her decease I give to my Daughter Elizabeth the Wife of Mr John Lamb of Purton Cricklade and Wotten Bassett Wilts the Sum of Two thousand pounds All the rest and Residue of my property I give to my four Daughters Ann Elizabeth Caroline and Laura to be equally divided betwix them share and share alike In case either or both my daughters Caroline & Laura should marry during the life of their Mother my Will is that the Sum of Five hundred pounds be given to them the day before the day of Marriage if the Man of their desire is willing to make a Marriage Settlement to that Amount if my dear Wife and my two other Executors see no objection to so doing Should either of my daughters Caroline or Laura die unmarried during the life of their Mother I desire their share of the Property left shall be given One Moiety to the survivor of them and the other Moiety to my Daughter Elizabeth And should both of them die unmarried during the life of their Mother My will is that the share of the last survivor shall be equally divided betwixt my Daughters Ann and Elizabeth Should my Daughter Elizabeth unmarried during the life of her Mother I give all she would be entitled to by this Will to all her Children share and share alike To my Executors and Executrix I give the Sum of Ten pounds for a Ring or any other Memorial they may prefer of one by whom they were highly esteemed & beloved To each of my Daughters I give the sum of ten pounds for Rings or any other memorial they may prefer To each of my Sons in Law Mr Henry Wadd and Mr John Lamb I give the sum of Five pounds for Rings or other Memorial To my much esteemed Friends and Relatives Captain Samuel Thorpe Henry Thorp and Joseph Thorp Esqrs I give each a Ring the choice of my Executors This is my last Will and Testament made this Fourth day of February in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty _ Sam.l Wrightson _ Signed sealed published and declared by the within named Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of each other and at his request _ George Farley Clerk _ James Fladgate _ William Dane. A Codicil to this my last Will made the 10th February 1830 I wish a Ring to be given to my two kind Friends Robert Boughton Esqr of Send & John Gates Esqr of the Hermitage I have in the former part of my Will given my Freehold & Copyhold Estates at Woking to my Wife during her life but as she may not like to continue there and may wish to sell them I therefore give them to her and my two other Executors In trust for the following uses that is That they do sell them when ever they think proper either by Public Sale or private Contract the proceeds to be added to my other property and disposed of as I have before directed Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel Wrightson this eighteenth day of March 1830 in the presence of _ Sam.l Wrightson _ Wm Bathe Sol.r Swindon _ Buckland _ John Davidson. Proved at London with a Codicil 28th April 1830 before the Worshipful William Calvering Curtis Dr of Laws and Surre by the Oaths of Ann Wrightson Widow the Relict John Thomas Thorp Esqr & Alfred Thorp Esqr the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to Administer.