This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Temple of Woking in the County of Surrey Tanner I nominate and appoint my Son Thomas Temple of Chertsey in Surrey Cordwainer Executor of this my Will who I direct to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture of every description unto my dear Wife Ann Temple for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said Son and my Daughter Ann Baker of Chertsey aforesaid Widow equally to be divided between them share and share alike And in case either of my said Children shall die before he or she shall become entitled to his or her proportion thereof then I direct the share of such one so dying to be delivered to their issue equally All the rest and residue of my personal estate and effects monies in the funds goods chattels rights and credits whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Temple his Executors and Assigns upon the trusts following that is to say upon trust in the first place to receive and pay the interest dividends & annual proceeds of such as I shall have in the Funds at the time of my decease as often as the same shall become due and payable and pay the same into the proper hands of my said Wife (where receipt alone shall be a discharge for the same) for and during the term of her natural life and from and after the decease of my said Wife then upon trust to assign transfer and pay the same principal money and interest as shall be then due equally between him the said Thomas Temple and my said Daughter Ann Baker and their respective Heirs equally share and share alike And I direct my said Executor to reimburse himself all such reasonable costs as he shall be put unto it or about in the execution of this my Will In Testimony whereof I the said Thomas Temple have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two. The mark X of Thomas Temple _ Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Temple the Elder the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto Sam.l Reading _ Geo. Newman. Proved at London 19th May 1824 before the Worshipful John Danberry Doctor of Laws & Surrogate by the Oath of Thomas Temple the Son the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted being first sworn duly to administer.