In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will and Testament of me James Spong of the Parish of Woking in the County of Surry Farmer revoking and setting aside all other and former Wills by me at any time made or executed in the first place I commend my Soul to God who gave it secondly that my body be decently buried in the Church yard of Woking Surry and concerning my Worldly matters and affairs I dispose of it in the following manner viz. I give and bequeath unto my espoused Wife Jane the sum of fifteen pounds of lawful British money all the rest and residue of my property of what nature or kind may be such as Stock in Trade Farming utensils Crops of all kinds Corn Hay &t Book debts Household Furniture and all other Incomings together with immediate possession of the Farm and premises this I give and bequeath unto my son James Spong the use and occupy the business I lately have done together with the approbation of my Executors hereinafter mentioned but if my Son James together with the other of my Executors shall find it due not answer to continue the business they shall then or the majority of them have full power to sell and dispose of all and every thing in what way they think for the best and put the money out to Interest on good Security for the same provided that my Son James shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto his Sisters and Brothers the respective sums as are herein stated that is to say he is to pay or cause to my daughter Mary the sum of eighty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain at the expiration of twelve Calendar Months after my decease to my daughter Mary the Wife of Stephen Smither the sum of twenty pounds at the expiration of two years after my decease to my daughter Ann my Son Thomas and my Son Robert the sum of sixty pounds each of lawful British money as soon as they shall respectively and severally attain to the age of twenty one years the respective sums herein stated not earning Interest but if any one or more of my above mentioned Children should die before they attain the age of twenty one years leaving no lawful issue of his or her body then his or her share shall be equally divided amongst the Survivors as before mentioned but if any one or more of them should die before they attain the age of twenty one years leaving lawful issue of his or her body such Child or Children shall be entitled to and receive such share or shares as their respective Fathers or Mothers would have been intitled to if living and also if my Son James should die a single Man without lawful issue before he attain the age of twenty one years the whole to be equally divided amongst the survivors as before directed but if married one half of his portion shall be given to his Wife if he has no Child or Children and the other half to be divided among his surviving Brothers and Sisters equally likewise if any of my before mentioned Children should die before they attain the age of twenty one years without lawful issue if married such surviving Husband or Wife to receive half their portion and the other half divided as before directed and also I appoint that my Son James shall maintain and keep each of his Brothers and Sisters providing for them food House and Raiment till they shall respectively attain to the age of twenty one years and for the full and true performance of this my Will and Testament I nominate and appoint George Howard of the Parish of Chertsey Farmer and James Steadman of the Parish of Horsell Farmer and my Son James Spong of the Parish of Woking all in the County of Surry their heirs & assigns to be joint Executors of this my Will and Testament _ James Spong X his mark _ Signed sealed published and declared by me the Testator as my last Will and Testament this nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three in the presence of the undermentioned persons who in the presence of me and each other and at my request have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses _ Jn.o Hooper _ James Williams _ A? J Harris. Proved at London 22d March 1824 before the Worshipful John Danbeny Doctor of Laws & Surr.e by the Oaths of George Howard & James Stedman in the Will written Steadman two of the Exors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to adm.r power reserved to James Spong the Son a Minor the other Exor.